Money Money

Sep 21, 2012 18:09

So explain this to me... When I served in the USN I paid into the education program which was matched by all of us - the tax payers. this money was then used by me later to pay of school. Many of my conservative friends have said this is NOT an entitlement program, but an earned benefit  - and thanks for the service. ( Honestly, I have even heard it called an entitlement plan but don't get me started).

You're Welcome. It was not the best time of my life.

So explain to me how people paying into Social Security should consider it an entitlement program when they have paid into it and are now drawing money from it. Why is this an entitlement program and the other is not. I will also point out that ANY raiding of Social Security, medicaid and medicare for purposes other than what they were intended for should be considered fraud and criminal. Explain to me why that's wrong.

They should not be counted as part of the Federal Budget. They are and should be independent of the federal budget. The money is intended for the purpose they were slated for and NOTHING else. If the defense budgets could be taken off the table  and not figured into the budget figures why are these left in. They are supposed to be funded through the independent collection and the money assigned to their specific use ONLY. They are not a part of the general budget.

Oh more?

So in FL the Lottery and Lotto were allowed to be established under the proposition that the money was to go to education funds. The fund has been raided over and over again and now we find ourselves unable to fully fund the education system. This is fraud. It should be illegal. It should be looked into and stopped. These issues are about honesty and integrity in the system. Don't howl over how we cannot spend money when we raid these fund s to spend them on things other than what they were intended for. What rubbish.

Vote unscrupulous thugs out of office. Keep electing thugs and you will keep getting thugs.


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