An Actual Case of Voter Fraud

Sep 10, 2012 21:56

No, no, I'm not talking about Mitt -- not yet, anyway.

This woman is is Wendy Rosen, who was the Democratic challenger for a congressional seat in Maryland currently held by Republican Andy Harris. Mary voted allegedly voted in both Florida and Maryland twice, in the 2006 and 2008 elections.,0,3764352.story

So, hey, voter fraud. I mean, VOTER FRAUD!!!!!!!!

Here's the thing. Voter rolls are administered by the states. And, indeed, some states allow land-owners who primarily reside in other states to vote in their local elections, which would explain how Rosen could legally be on the voter rolls in two states -- she just wouldn't be allowed to vote in both states for certain races.

It's likely (although Rosen isn't talking) that she voted in one or the other of these states with an absentee ballot -- after all, the two cities are 970 miles apart.

Rosen has resigned from the race, and is facing criminal charges, and rightfully so. If convicted, she'll be in history and law textbooks as an actual perpetrator of voter fraud, which, as we all know, are few and far between.

But you all know where I'm going with this. How would a picture ID have prevented one of the few legitimate, discovered cases of voter fraud?

The answer: It wouldn't have. Even if Rosen voted in Baltimore at 9 am and then hopped a plane to St. Petersburg and voted there four or five hours later, what would have stuck out to indicate that she was engaged in actual voter fraud? Her picture ID is a legitimate one. She owns property in both locations.

No, the only thing that might have prevented this would be one of the things that most of the people who argue for voter ID laws the most abhor...

A Federal database, containing a list of every american citizen with the right to vote and some sort of identifying indicator. Given that such a thing is tantamount to treason when applied to gun registration, why is it ok to do for voting?

Now, about Mitt's... election indiscretion...

fraud, elections

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