The GOP's Twisted Sick Game to Legalize Rape and Banning Abortion.

Aug 23, 2012 06:51

I know it sounds crazy but some day courts may stop prosecuting rape crimes, if at all. The pro-life personhood religious rightwing of the conservative party seems driven to make sure all forms of abortions are banned no matter the cost (yes, that includes rape and incest). They want their view of personhood and life to become the law of the land, and even decriminalize rape and the punishment that subsequently follows with it. Let us start with the issue of "Legitimate Rape", such a statement is a loaded word that tries to give the impression that there are different types of rapes. When Todd Akin went to Mike Huckabee's radio show to explain himself he said, "I was talking about forcible rape," he said. "I used the wrong word."

"forcible rape" is nothing but an attempt to create a legal distinction as a way to circumvent the issue of abortion, a loophole in an attempt to ban abortion.

Quote: Hang on -- "forcible rape"? If that term perplexes you, go back to the 2011 controversy over the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. The first version of the law created a dilineation between "rape" and "forcible rape," which Nick Baumann noticed first and explained best.

With this legislation, which was introduced last week by Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Republicans propose that the rape exemption be limited to "forcible rape." This would rule out federal assistance for abortions in many rape cases, including instances of statutory rape, many of which are non-forcible. For example: If a 13-year-old girl is impregnated by a 24-year-old adult, she would no longer qualify to have Medicaid pay for an abortion.

If you think trying to rethink or create new definitions for rape wont cause serious social issues, then you are ignoring the repercussions and criminal implications that will cause on society if implemented. Back in 1999 Findland introduced a new category regarding rape, what happened next is that it caused that less than half of those convicted of rape ever serve jail time.

Quote: "According to a news report aired by the commercial television network Nelonen on Sunday, courts in Finland have been handing out relatively lenient sentences in cases of sexual assault - even in some which have led to physical injury.

Nelonen examined all sex crime cases handled by Finnish district courts over the past year and found out that prosecutors and courts have considered acts involving injury to the victim, or in which the woman’s home has been violently broken into, and even in which the victim has been kept a prisoner for several days, to meet the definition of “coercive sexual contact”, a category of sexual assault considered less serious than actual rape.

[...]The Nelonen report found that more than half of those convicted of actual rape have to serve real prison time. Less than one in ten of those convicted of the lesser crime have had to serve custodial sentences."

Or how about this quote: "There are three kinds of rape in Finnish law: rape, aggravated rape and "coercive sexual contact". Here is an example of "coercive sexual contact", a lesser crime than rape, from the Nelonen report:

A man, born in 1977, forced a woman to have sex with him in the disabled persons' bathroom of a restaurant by hitting her head into the wall and twisting her arm behind her. The woman could not call out for help because the man held his other hand over her mouth. Earlier that evening the same man had tried to forcibly kiss her in the restaurant. The state prosecutor demanded a sentence for coercive sexual contact, because the violence used was mild and the act was performed under mitigating circumstances. The public court decision does not set out these circumstances. The man was given a seven-month suspended sentence and ordered to pay 1000e in reparations." (source)

So what do the Todd Akins of the world want? Ban IVF, ban contraception, ban abortions, create a new legal definition for rape, and incidentally and technically legalize rape or lower rape convictions.

law, religion, women's rights, justice, abortion, sex, sex crime

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