Denmark Vs Islam! Fight!

Apr 06, 2012 18:28

Two demonstrations faced off in Aarhus last week on Saturday. The European Counter-Jihad Meeting - organised by British anti-Islam organization the English Defence League (EDL) - was hailed as the start of a pan-European anti-Islam movement.

Ahead of the EDL’s rally, the domestic intelligence agency, PET, warned that members of violence-prone, right-wing groups from eastern Europe had promised to make the journey and show their support. Anticipating clashes between protesters, Danish police staged the largest security operation Aarhus had ever experienced.

The day started quietly on Mølleparken, the site of the European Counter-Jihad Meeting, with about 50 people milling about. Among them was Peter, who wore Arabic clothing while holding an Israeli flag and a sign stating, ‘Stop the Islamisation of Europe.’
 “I’m protesting the ongoing Islamisation in Denmark,” he said. “Someday, we might all have to dress like this.

First of all, Denmark, fucking give your intelligence agency a name that actually sounds somewhat intimidating. When I think of an intelligence agency I should think of scary people in nice suits who like to take people to undisclosed locations and do delightfully horrible things to them and laugh about how totally legal what they're doing is. Seriously, since you're fucking with Muslims the CIA will be happy to give you all the advice you could ever need.

With that said, Denmark, I must praise you. You have done America a great service by showing that anti-Islamic foolishness is not limited to America. The world needed to be reminded that the "enlightened" people of Europe still know how to be intolerant and bigoted. The United States has dominated that field in the eyes of the world for two long. Now Muslims and advocates have someone else they can bitch at for a while. So thank you for taking the heat off us a bit. In gratitude we shall soon formally announce our support for the idea that Finns aren't really Nordics and that sure as shit Estonians aren't.

Battle on, brave Danes. In the great beyond Harold Bluetooth sings your praises and, more importantly, the US gains another reason to laugh at Europeans. As if how seriously you take the Eurovision Song Contest wasn't reason enough. But I digress...

islam, xenophobia, north europe

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