A Matter of Trust

Mar 25, 2012 21:15

Hey folks! It's time for our regular installment of ridiculously hyperbolized hypothetical situations taken from the NationStates online game, the place where you have the opportunity to be the leader of a country of your own, which you could freely steer into the mud if you like (as happens most often). Last week the debate was about paternity leave, and I think it's pretty clear that the Minister of the Family, Ms Longbottom (HA!) won the poll by a landslide, advocating against discriminating against gay and adoptive parents.

Now the issue is a bit different. We've often talked about the failing political system, the corrupt politicians who do not represent us-the-people as they should, etc. That's nice, but got any solutions to that?

The Issue
A new survey conducted by private organizations has found out that confidence in Insert Country Name's political system is at an all-time low. Politicians and political think tanks are scrambling to find a solution.

The Debate

1. "Isn't it obvious?" states Sean Giggity, famous host of a political talk show. "Politicians get away with things that would land us regular folk in jail. Corruption, fraud; you name it, they do it - and with no consequences! How about you make it harder for them to get away with their crimes by enforcing tough jail time? Maybe then you'll earn back the public's trust."

2. "It's probably because we're constantly seeing the same people in power over and over and over again," argues Megan Bronte, a prominent columnist for the The Insert Country Name Inquirer. "We should shake things up a bit and bring some fresh faces into the political game. Let's introduce term limits on all public offices. That'll definitely increase confidence in our political system!"

3. "I couldn't help but notice that confidence was particularly lower among women," notes Hillary Pushkin, editor of Bonjour magazine. "It's time we rid this country of its old boys club by introducing gender quotas. Mandate that women must hold at least 50% of all public offices in Insert Country Name; everyone knows women are so much more trustworthy than men!"

4. "People don't trust us, duh!?" gasps Agent Z, one of your many advisers, and pastime rap composer. "Then it's time we earned it back, yo! Let's get out there among the peeps and show everybody that politicians are just like them! Be, like, totally transparent, man; I mean personal blogs, documentaries, 24/7 TV shows... Yeah, it may cost a few dimes, but if the peeps can know everything about you, they'll have to trust you! How 'bout that?"

5. "If the people don't trust us then we'll make them!" suggests Col. Colin Power, your military aide-de-camp, slamming his fists on the table. "We'll just use force and intimidation to win back support. Some may call it brainwashing or terrorism, but I call it love. As a plus, it should be really easy to implement!"

The legislature of Insert Country Name is preparing to adopt a decision.

Poll A Matter of Trust

No need to mention that the answers have been deliberately made to sound extreme. Lulz above all!

poll, hypothesis

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