And now for something completely different:

Mar 14, 2012 15:48

That is to say a good-news story which has every reason for grounds for optimism:

The International Criminal Court, in trying one of the war criminals from the forgotten continental wars in the Congo, has found one of these men guilty. This is the first such verdict in the ten years since the Court was established, and as such is setting a new standard for and about international law, which is also a plus. It's the first occasion since the end of the World Wars that there's been such a trial that has not been held by a Great Power of the losing side of a war, but instead a trial conducted by a court of war crimes on the basis *of* such a court.

This is a good sign, really, on an international scale as it means that the global legal system is evolving in a good way, less prone to the internal domestic politics and dickwaving of the Big Powers and in theory at least more impartial and fair and balanced for all Powers.

africa, justice, international law

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