Except for that Little Detail...

Jan 16, 2012 14:06

Via Raw Story

Colin Heaton, 1/16/12 speaking to the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention, on how to finance building a secure wall between Mexico and the United States: You take all these incarcerated illegal aliens, even some of the guys who are US citizens in the prison system who make about 27 cents a day doing ridiculous work, kick ( Read more... )

human rights, tea party, immigration

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kardashev January 16 2012, 23:39:54 UTC
"So after advocating setting up a massive forced-labor camp near our border, Heaton has the crust to compare the President to Hitler.

Except for that little detail about Obama not being a genocidal racist."

And this is how Godwin's Law works. See?

"He’s talking at a meeting of a movement that presumably represents the base of the Republican party."

Define "base", plz. Are we talking about the 20% who will vote Republican even if the GOP decides to run an alcoholic mall santa or a much broader part of the Republican Party?

Also, this labor camp idea is dumb. What we really need is to do away with things like amnesties and laws that allow for anchor babies.


paft January 17 2012, 00:38:09 UTC
Yep, that's how it works. You denounce even valid comparisons with Hitler to clear the way for completely invalid comparisons to Hitler. That way you can advocate forced labor camps while denouncing a moderate liberal president as an incipient Adolph.

Aren't you a fan of Hitler by the way, and Stalin? After all, they killed so very many of those icky humans you dislike so much.


kardashev January 17 2012, 01:10:26 UTC
"You denounce even valid comparisons with Hitler to clear the way for completely invalid comparisons to Hitler."

The only valid comparisons to Hitler are when both sides of the comparison either advocate or are committing mass murder with race as a basis. It's how underlankers is able to logically draw parallels between what happened to native americans during the settling of this continent with what happened to the Jews in Germany.

"Aren't you a fan of Hitler by the way, and Stalin? After all, they killed so very many of those icky humans you dislike so much."

Hitler almost robbed the world of Einstein. Since Einstein was far superior to the average human pseudo-chimp(I revere Einstein), this is enough reason for me to hate Hitler.

As for both Hitler and Stalin, they were both moralists and conformists who viewed themselves as the "good guys". Since I'm a moral nihilist and an individualist, both of them would've had me rounded up and eventually either brainwashed or tortured and then killed. This is reason enough for me to hate ( ... )


paft January 17 2012, 01:30:14 UTC
k: The only valid comparisons to Hitler are when both sides of the comparison either advocate or are committing mass murder with race as a basis ( ... )


kardashev January 17 2012, 02:34:39 UTC
"k: The only valid comparisons to Hitler are when both sides of the comparison either advocate or are committing mass murder with race as a basis.

This makes no sense. Using this criterion, it's invalid to compare Hitler to Hitler because the other side of the comparison, the Jews, liberals, gypsies, and socialists he murdered, were not, as groups, either advocating or committing mass murder with race as a basis."

No no no no. I'm talking about say comparing Nazis with the people who committed genocide against the native americans. That kind of side and that kind of analogy. Seriously, put down the spliff and back away from it. ::rolleyes ( ... )


paft January 17 2012, 05:01:10 UTC
So you wouldn't consider it valid to bring up the Third Reich in the case of a government demanding that members of a given religious or ethnic group always wear identifying symbols sewn onto their clothes? In the case of its soldiers forcing members of that religious or ethnic group to scrub sidewalks? In the case of laws being passes forbidding members of that group to ride public transit or walk outside at certain times? So long as actual genocide isn't invoked, the comparison can't be made ( ... )


kardashev January 18 2012, 01:26:46 UTC
"So long as actual genocide isn't invoked, the comparison can't be made?"

Exactly. If there is no genocide then...Godwin's Law invoked, appeal to emotion fallacy exposed. It's like you guys and the cons constantly comparing Bush and Obama to Hitler for the past decade or so. Seriously, it's borderline-retarded. It's also part of why I think humanity needs to ditch both the left and the right ideologies.

"That would pretty much ensure that something like the holocaust would happen again."

Tinfoil hat being folded...

"So - if the Nazis had stuck to killing people like Ann Frank and her family, would that have been okay with you? Why wouldn't it be?"

No. Because it was conformists killing people for being "different". By logical extension, they would come after someone like me next. There is no other outcome.

"Ann Frank was killed by people who'd thrown out any notion of compassion or empathy, and who considered both qualities contemptible."

Which is something that moralists excel at. A sociopath cannot "throw out" empathy ( ... )


onefatmusicnerd January 17 2012, 07:07:58 UTC
"Well, because they are moralists and conformists...like you. Somebody who thinks of themselves as the 'good guy'. paft, I used to be a liberal. I haven't forgotten the kinds of discussions I and other libs had behind closed doors."

I think that it is very disingenuous to make this a left/right analogy. It is not the liberal Democrats who get all appalled and start calling 911 when I show up at church with what is left of my eight-ball and no pants.


kardashev January 18 2012, 00:59:09 UTC
"I think that it is very disingenuous to make this a left/right analogy."

Oh, that's just one side of it. I also used to be a conservative, raised ina a conservative household. The level of crazy was just as full up there as in any lb get together I went to.


sandwichwarrior January 17 2012, 07:33:00 UTC
The alternate interpretation (and this is where I actually agree with montecristo) is that it isn't humans that are the problem but authority.


paft January 17 2012, 01:00:38 UTC
By the way, the laws that allow for "anchor babies" are in our constiution's defintition of an American as someone born here. Changing that would result in an American born legal underclass.

But then, that would result in a lot of human suffering, and you do seem to be all for that.


kardashev January 17 2012, 01:13:27 UTC
"But then, that would result in a lot of human suffering, and you do seem to be all for that."

Gilt trips aside...yeah, I am all for human suffering.

As long as it isn't me or the rare few people I actually love and respect, of course. >:D


paft January 17 2012, 01:30:52 UTC
As I said, this is something everyone should keep in mind the minute you start sounding off about politics.


kardashev January 17 2012, 02:36:31 UTC
lmao! Says the woman who re-states other people's opinions for them.


paft January 17 2012, 03:51:49 UTC
So point out what I've gotten wrong about yours.


kardashev January 18 2012, 01:28:00 UTC
I've already been doing that. Scroll up.


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