Popular Music, Conspiracy Theories, and Law Students

Jan 03, 2012 11:28

I am very sad that I did not find this out until after Conspiracy Theories Month, but now having found it, I can't not share it, because it's just too insane to keep to myself.

So, there's this website called The Vigilant Citizen. One of my classmates linked to it on his Facebook, and knowing him as I do, he's seriously concerned about this, which is scary, as you'll soon see.

If you go into the "About VC" section, at first the author seems fairly reasonable. He's got a bachelor's degree in Communications and Politics! He's "a music producer who has composed music for some fairly well-known 'urban' artists!" He really really wants you to understand importance of symbols! In everything! By the third paragraph it's pretty obvious that the guy is a nut.My efforts to further understand the forces governing the world lead me to study secret societies, mystery religions, esoteric sciences and ancient civilizations. I’ve spent the last seven years researching Theosophy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Bavarian Illuminati and Western Occultism. These schools of thoughts have many things in common: they are based on Hermetic teachings (Hermes, Thoth, Enoch, Mercury), they attach EXTREME importance to symbolism and they recruit within their ranks the most prominent people of all fields of society: politics, law and public service. The natural result of this phenomenon is the display of occult symbolism in all aspects of society, especially music, movies and buildings. My goal is to bring out the meaning of these symbols in a clear, concise and entertaining way.

The topic my classmate specifically looked at (in his own words, "it's worth another look if anyone is interested in seeing the occult influence over entertainment") was the 2009 VMA awards show. Every year, as most of us know, MTV hosts the Video Music Awards to, I guess, award the best videos of the year (I've never watched it myself, as I find awards shows to be even more vacuous and pointless than reality TV). But, as VC tells us, it's all part of a diabolical scheme to corrupt the youth of the world.

In short (you can real the whole masterpiece here), it goes like this: the entire 2009 VMA awards show was a carefully-staged and ingeniously-disguised occult ritual, meant to surreptitiously open the viewers to evil influences. It included:
  • A high priestess giving an opening sermon: Madonna's tribute to a fallen saint, Michael Jackson, including an occult prayer (Vincent Price's "Darkness falls across the land" monologue from the Thriller video)
  • The initiation of a new member of the inner circle, through ritual humiliation (the Taylor Swift/Kanye West fiasco)
  • A congregational prayer to Satan (led by Jack Black!)
  • A blood sacrifice (Lady Gaga's performance where she, apparently, appears to be covered in blood, surrounded by a Masonic-themed stage set)
  • The symbolic initiation of a new member into the Masonic order (Pink)
  • The acceptance of a new member into the order by the Inner Circle: Beyonce and Taylor Swift's friendly little moment, wherein they hugged while a strange message ("RDFO IL 40 PRO DEL ATO") was projected on the screen behind them

So yeah, at first read it seems like a joke, but the level of detail the author goes into makes it apparent that, no, he actually believes what he's saying, Jack Black (Jack Black! I mean, for God's sake, Jack Black! If I were Satan I think I'd pick a somewhat more sinister minion than Jack Black) really did lead the congregation in a prayer to Satan, the whole show was one giant, coordinated occult ritual. And my classmate believes it, too.

What scares me is that this classmate of mine isn't just some random crazy nutjob wearing an end-of-the-world sandwich board on a street corner. He is an intelligent and educated man who has a Bachelor's Degree, an MBA, and is halfway to earning a JD. I've talked with him at length on a few occasions, and mostly he sounds perfectly normal. But he genuinely believes that there is a giant worldwide occult conspiracy whose aim is the destruction of True Christianity™ and the remaking of civilization into a New World Order, which works its evil into society through music and subliminal messages, and which is insidiously inserting its members into high positions in politics, business, education, and even churches. He genuinely believes that pop music stars such as Lady Gaga are using weird occult mind-control techniques to corrupt our youth. He genuinely believes that Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings were created by occultists to lure in children and open up their minds to Satanic influence. He genuinely believes that the US Government passed a law last year that allowed it to lock Truthers up for life so as to forever hide what really happened on 9/11. He genuinely believes that Jerry Sandusky was able to stay on at Penn State for so many years because he's a member of the Illuminati who have infiltrated every level of American society and keep one another in power no matter what.

And this guy, ladies and gentlemen, is going to be a attorney. You know, we joke about conspiracy theorists, we make fun of the kooky idiots who believe the Illuminati actually exist and the New World Order is real. It becomes less amusing, and more frightening, when you realize that some of the people who believe these things aren't, like I said, random nuts on the street, but are professionals, are politicians, are pastors. Are people, therefore, with actual power and influence. There are whole swaths of American Christianity that teach that the US Government is an evil tool of Satan, that there is a war between True Christianity™ and the US/UN/NWO that seeks to destroy the Christian faith, that everything from public school science class to Barack Obama are all part of a giant, coordinated, interconnected Satanic movement. Yes, they may be a small minority of American Christians, but they are an influential one.

It's all too easy to dismiss this as rank ignorance and uneducated stupidity, but too many people, like my classmate, really do believe this stuff, and that belief influences their voting. So no, I am not concerned about the Illuminati, because they don't exist. I am concerned about the lawyers, doctors, businessmen, politicians, and preachers who believe they do exist.

conspiracy, entertainment

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