Corporate whining - can we close the pay gap?

Nov 02, 2011 13:28

Yeah - I like this one.

We could never afford sending kids to school, they told us.
But we sent them anyway, and it turned out that a literate workforce produced more money not less.

But giving women equal pay? This was the road to economic ruin.
But, 30 years on, it was the bankers that screwed our economy , not women factory workers.

And now , we are being told that there is no way we can afford to give more to the workers, or less to the CEOs who get 300 times more than the people who do most of the work. Yeah - I don't believe them either.

It is a cartoon , but I ask you - why can we not fix it so that the lowest paid worker earns at least 100th of what a CEO earns, or even a fiftieth or a tenth?

Socialism doesn't work , some say.
Well, taking the riches money intax and giving it to the homeless doesn't - but that is Soviet style Socialism, and we can do better than that in a democratic society.

Paying taxes to run schools and hospitals ? it works in Canada and Sweden , much better than it does in the USA or UK , in fact. And paying women the same money as a man for working the same job for the same hour? It does not seem to have wreck the economy as much as Casino banking has.

It would have to be phased in. legislate that 3 yrs, a CEO could only earn a certain level. and 3 yrs later, that s/he could only earn 90% of that. I am told that some CEOs get 3oo times the rate the lowest employees get. Now, if my pension has to suffer to pay for a bankers bailout, I want to see David Cameron and his mates sharing my pain with me, I think that is fair. So, phase in a pegged salary. make it no more than the Hed of state's to start with. then review it every 3 years. should we stop at 100 times, or 50 times, or go for 10-20 times the rate of a lowest paid worker? i think we put that to the vote.

Economists told us we could not afford equal pay for women , or abolishing slavery. I think we can confidently expect that they are wrong when they say we cannot abolish a 300 to 1 pay gap between a CEO and the lowest paid worker.

corporations, cartoon, labor

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