The Man Who Saved Capitalism

Oct 04, 2011 21:23

Friends, enemies, let us come together in good spirits and faith to remember a great man who saved capitalism. Many Americans are not quite aware of just how close the US and A came to failing. The ravishes of the Great Depression and the global chaos which ensued sparked a seething cauldron of extreme discontent. In the 1930s, as Fascism was on the march, Communism spreading it's insidiousness, the US and A stood poised on the brink. Wall St. hatched secret plots to recruit disgruntled veterans. Labor groups fell sway to communist agents. And of course, the booming Sicilian, Jewish and Irish "businesses" stood ready to play kingmaker. As the Great Depression wore on, there was but One Man who played the sides, wheeled and dealed, and saved capitalism. Of course, I speak of FDR(Peace Be Upon Him). All of us good men and women of the US and A should raise our glasses to the hero of capitalism. Let us never sully his good name with disrespect, for without him we would all be locked in chains or thrown into dungeons. Come, let us come together in our own hard times and remember this example, and draw strength from it.

If you don't, you're probably a Nazi.

capitalism, satire, history

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