Who is that rousing the rabble?

Aug 25, 2011 09:08

Who is that man preaching vigilance in Jerusalem? Is it the Antichrist come to reclaim his throne? No, it is merely that blowtorch of ignorance: Glenn Beck.

One of my favorite aspects of his speech is that he spoke against fear, hate, and lies. He goes on to try to instill fear in the hearts of Palestinians and their supporters. He also simply hates to admit to the falsity of his position being based on love. (I guess there is some love in his heart. We can see it in the Goldline ads.)

Evidently his appearance sparked some controversy, one article says:Israeli religious and political figures both on the left and right came out against the rally, presumably as a reaction to Beck's track record of controversial remarks. There was even a Facebook page called "Glenn Beck Stay Home" created in protest.

But in the end, 1,700 supporters showed for the sold-out event, and an additional 3,000 gathered at a nearby viewing station where it was beamed in live, a spokesman for Beck told The Cutline. The Guardian, among others, contested those figures, reporting a "surprising number of empty seats belied the organisers' claims that demand for tickets had outstripped availability." Many of the attendees were evangelical Christians from the United States, according to reports.
At this point in history, the Palestinians are the underdog. Their treatment by Israel has not inspired support in the eyes of many. I cannot condone the extremity of the resistance to Israeli domination in the region, but I can understand why that reaction is extreme. Beck must be oblivious to the horrors of life for those dispossessed by Israel.

What do you think of this visit by the Tea Party icon to Israel?

glenn beck, palestine

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