OK, this is not how politics is supposed to work:

Aug 15, 2011 19:52


So, Senator McCain of Arizona recently compared the Tea Party to the Hobbits, the mutant furry-footed humans from Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit (obviously). First of all, the Hobbits were technically the good guys. I hope this doesn't spoil anything for anyone but it's actually Gollum, the ugly little toad that destroys the One Ring from greed, the Hobbits were so bloody ordinary they just got it where it needed to be. If that's damning them with faint praise, then OK. If that's trying to insult them, well......that's not how insults work.

Second, why compare them of all fantasy species to the Hobbits in the first place? They should properly be compared to the http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Decepticon types because they're incompetent, have yet to succeed in passing anything, and spend more time fighting their erstwhile allies than dealing with their theoretical rivals. Their very name opens them to mockery (ensue Mad Hatter and Marsh Hare cartoon) and their whole ideas are as non-sensical as anything out of a Vonnegut satire. Hobbits are boring Englishmen Eloi-types in a fantasy world inhabited by an Eldritch Abomination with a magic ring.

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satire, tea party

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