Consumer whoredom and the Green Giant footprint

Jun 27, 2011 08:51

A recent article from the Times indicates that almost all DVR/cable box combos create by the Average Joe™  have a bigger carbon footprint than the Jolly Green Giant. (sarcasm intended)

The New York Times reported those little boxes of stupid (that spew consumer propaganda) are now the single largest electricity drain in a household in the US. Congratulations, lemmings. Edited because it seemedt too damn distracting for some

One high-definition DVR and one high-definition cable box use an average of 446 kilowatt hours a year - about 10 percent more than a 21-cubic-foot energy-efficient refrigerator, a recent study found.

These set-top boxes are energy hogs mostly because their drives, tuners and other components are generally running full tilt, or nearly so, 24 hours a day, even when not in active use, the Times writes.

A study by the Natural Resources Defense Council said the boxes consumed $3 billion in electricity per year in the United States - and that 66 percent of that power is wasted when no one is watching and shows are not being recorded, the Times writes.

Observation and question: When my wife and I decided to stop using the drug known on the streets as "cable", and found other ways of leisure entertainment, we found we had enough time to start a business, grow it to TWO businesses with a payroll of over 50 people, and now run one of the hottest restaurant/clubs in Atlanta, GA. My observation and opinion is that decision and the result enjoy causational relationship. We found we simply had more time to be productive.

My questions (pick one or more, as you can handle): Is this new information enough to make you finally quit? Do you think you can quit "cable"? After reading this can you tell the cable/dish conglomerate to fuck off? If you find you can't, or even find yourself defending the relationship do you think you are taking the 'high road'?  Are you sitting there, reading this, while mindlessly consuming something that was advertised and purchased? What would you do with the time you save if you could quit?

BONUS: Do you think if you ever wake up and realize how much bullshit you are sold in any given day, you may re-examine your opinion of who really 'represents' your values in government?

ETA for clarification: No, I'm not 'better than you' because I don't watch drivel. But I have bettered myself as a member of society, and if you can't handle that, that is on you, not me. I have no problem with leisure time as a concept. I don't care how you spend your leisure time. It would be nice if your leisurely activities would reduce your energy consumption. Everyone benefits when there is more productivity and less consumption. But feel free to consume more than you fair share or not.


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