Jul 06, 2007 00:16
call me a sucker, ok, but i'm so excited that the 7-11 on Venice and Sepulveda has been turned into a Kwik-E-Mart for the rest of the month until the Simpsons Movie opens on the 27th...Amir and i plan to stop by next week and buy Buzz Cola and Krusty-O's and pink sprinkled donuts....i just saw that they sold Radioactive Man comics too but they're all sold out and the only place to get them now is on eBay
the name of the band is Streets On Fire....is that not the worst band name ever??? ok no, Hoobastank and Nickelback are the worst band names ever. but Streets On Fire sounds like 5 boys wearing lots of eyeliner and screaming lyrics like "TAKE YOUR HANDS AND RIP ME APART" or something, i don't know. i called a friend to see about his recording studio today and he asked if we scream our lyrics. it was LOL-worthy.