And after the Tory win, here comes the omnishambles.

May 12, 2015 17:21

First of all here are links to a political and economic blog that went viral just before the election:

Just to give an account of how some other folk look at the Tories economic record. I cannot but agree with young Mr Studebaker, and have been saying as much for the past few years, though not quite as elequently nor with as much rigour and precision.

However this is just, if you like, restating the new starting condidtions for the UK PLC under the incoming Tory administration. Please don't get me wrong, I am a conservative in most respects: a cultural conservative; a One-Nation Tory; and someone who does not object in principle to inherited wealth. However, I do think that the coalition got things grievously wrong, starting with austerity.

But now we come to the crux of what I consider to be the first really stupid thing they have to do alone, as a new administration, having shackled themselves to it in their manifesto. It is the repeal of the Human Rights Act and replacing it with a UK Rights Act.

This is meant to appeal to the Little Englander mentality which the current Tory Party do love to stoke and exploit. Also it takes away electoral support from the more extreme right-wing parties.

However, there are a few problems:

As well as the Good Friday Agreement, the Scotland Act 1998 incorporated HRA into it at its heart, and changing it requires consent from the Scottish Parliament.

Also there is one other salient point. Membership of the EU has, as a pre-requisite, a signing-up to ECHR and the Court established by amongst others Churchill. So if we leave or amend our membership, we are well on the way out of the EU: which rather negates any requirement for a referendum on the UK's membership.

Given all this, does the panel think that at the end of this government's term of office :-


I mean to say, who needs the HRA? Obviously not ordinary people. Nor the Scots. Nor the Northern Irish. And the treaties that are dependent upon the HRA are all a bit useless anyway in comparison with having a proper English Tory government who will be harsh on scroungers, welfare recipients, the poor, the disabled, and Asylum Seekers, many of whom are criminals in ther own lands: like Gay Folk from Uganda?

Well, IMHO if some resurgent fundamentalist IRA  blow up the next Tory conference after the repeal of HRA and the defenestration of the Good Friday agreement, the Tories can consider it a Pyrrhic victory well earned.

poll, eu, uk, elections

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