So tired...

Oct 14, 2008 22:36

I don't know why I keep trying to post when I'm half asleep, but I do. Oh well. My office sent out an interesting little article on the rise of e-books in academic publishing and in publishing in general if memory serves me. I will have to share some of that article soon - perhaps the whole thing.

On the one hand, it saddens me greatly to think that they could ever replace an actual book with a digital file. On the other hand, I have ot admit that there are some pretty cool features to some e-books (the ones that go beyond a mere pdf file.) I can't imagine an honest-to-God paper-and-binding book ever becoming a thing of the past. The feel, the smell, the look of books is just an all around enjoyable experience. (Anyone ever read R.O.D.?) There is something about holding a book that just can't be duplicated by looking at a screen. The experience is just different - more tactile and real in a way...

Okay, I will stop blabbing about e-books versus real books until I have had some sleep and posted at least some of the article that brought on this burst of psychobabble.
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