Mar 08, 2005 22:17
So Jason is leaving March 24th or 25th for New Hampshire. He'll be there a whole year. Given a little over a week to let it sink in, I'm feeling better about it, while not entirely thrilled, it's what is best. I'm going to miss him so much, but you know, sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I won't go at length as to what is happening, but he's going to His Mansion , he'll be there a whole year, and he'll get some minimal visits, and after six months, I'm pretty sure he is allowed to ocme home for a week or something. It will be so good for him and I think really affirm his calling and his place in Christ. I'm excited for the changes that are going to occur in him, just not sure how I will handle a year away from him. I'm trying not to focus so much on the negative because I know it's getting to him. But anyway though... we're going to wait the whole year out, and see what happens. It's either going to make or break us, but either way it's going to be an experience and it's an opportunity for us to find out more of who we are independently before we can see what direction life is going for the two of us as a whole. The 15th is our two year, and I am happy he'll be home for that. Right now he is in West Virginia on his senior class trip.
But anyway... other than that, everything really is good. School is good. I graduate from Bayside and BCC in May. I applied for graduation today. It's insane... the feeling. I am thinking of taking a semester off just to relax and take in life for awhile. Possibly go one missions or something. I need to be doing something else. I was thinking of perhaps commiting myself to missioning or interning somewhere for a semester. I want to do something for God, and I think my most precious gift is time. Something that cannot be replaced or bought back again. But anywho... I need to go read for school now.