Thank you very much to
enderwiggin24 and
condnsdmlk for the beautiful cards. I love them!
If you follow me on
Tumblr or
Twitter, you've already seen these, but for those of you who don't follow me there, I have a couple of excellent fanvids I want to share with you.
Click to view is a beautiful vid that makes an interesting comparison between the Thor/Loki relationship and the Steve/Bucky one. I don't know that I would ever think to combine those two ships in one vid, but the vidder did a great job of balancing them.
Click to view is a fabulously fun Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes vid. I love the playful use of bullets and beats. Also, this vidder's technical skills make me despair. How do they get the footage to look so amazingly crystal-clear? *sobs*