Wrecking Ball Fanart, State of the Fannish Me

Apr 16, 2014 10:29

A day later, and I'm still giggling over this fanart piece that Krytella made, inspired by my Thor/Loki "Wrecking Ball" vid:

Thor Wrecking Ball fanart by Krytella

It cracks me up, and I love it!!
I think I have to accept that the bulk of my fannish activity is no longer on Livejournal/Dreamwidth. That is to say, I still love my friendslists, and I still read every day, but I'm finding it more and more difficult to post things here, mainly because I'm lazy, and I've slotted LJ/DW posting into the category of "work". Sigh.

I'm more active on the more passive platform of Tumblr where I can reblog, or on Twitter or Pinboard where I only have to write a few words, or at most one sentence. If you want to know where my fannish thoughts are, those are the best places to look:

http://talitha78.tumblr.com/ --Right now, this is pretty much ALL the Captain America 2 feels, all the time. There is so much amazing Steve/Bucky art, you guys. Here, have a sampling.

https://twitter.com/talitha78_ and https://pinboard.in/u:talitha78 --Lots of Captain America 2 content, many Steve/Bucky fic recs

thor, fanart recs, thor/loki, fic recs, vidding

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