Thirteen of Thirty: Vividcon Recs

Sep 21, 2013 21:12

Only about a month late, huh? If anyone still cares about Vividcon recs, here are mine. Please keep in mind that I watch very few vids at Vividcon. I tend to avoid the themed vidshows because I know my limits--I'm only good for about an hour or two of vids a day before I start getting cranky and annoyed. The recs below are my favorites of the vids that I saw at the con, but I'm sure there were many more wonderful vids, and if you're interested in tracking them down, the complete list of vidshows can be found here: Master Post of 2013 Vidshows.

Club Vivid, VJed by AbsoluteDestiny: This is the con's dance party, and is always the source of a lot of my favorite vids of the con. What can I say, I like vids set to dance music. :D

Raise Your Glass (Community) by dualbunny: This is a beautifully crafted, perfectly joyful celebration of all of the things that make Community such a great show. (Thanks to
jb_slasher for finding the YouTube link.)

Scream and Shout (Assasin's Creed) by rhoboat: Rho's mission over the weekend was to incept me into the Assasin's Creed fandom. Given that I know nothing about video game fandom, she gave herself quite a task. This vid was the first step in making me a believer. There's some gorgeous footage to be found in the gameplay, and Rho takes full advantage of it. I'm still waiting on those fic recs, though, Rho! ;)

My People (Attack the Block) by tencel: Not online, as far as I can tell. Hopefully tencel will post this one day because it's such a great vid, with fantastic use of action and a perfect song to bring out the feeling that the movie gives, the feeling of the people of the block triumphing against the odds.

Follow Me (Chocolate) by shati: I don't know this movie, but the main character is an absolute badass woman martial arts figher, and that's enough for me.

Stayin' Sang Min/Stayin' Alive (Hawaii Five-O)by Franzeska: I don't watch the show and I don't know the character, but whoever he is, he's hot, and I loved dancing to this vid.

Let's Groove (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) by Deejay: I don't remember much about this movie, and I certainly don't remember this character being so hilarious. This vid cracked me up and was tons of fun to dance to.

Fashion Is Danger (Star Trek: The Original Series) by valoise: Another very funny vid--I couldn't stop laughing at the breath-takingly outlandish costumes the TOS crew used to don.

Video Game Vids, VJed by Bradcpu and Milly: This was the only themed vidshow I attended at the con, and it was excellent. I guess this was my year to be impressed by video game vids.

Welcome to Aperture (Portal 2) by KuroUnmei: This vid features highly sympathetic robots; that'll get me every time.

Paper Planes (Borderlands 2) by UFец: Such a funny, well-timed vid!

Irresistible Force (Mass Effect) by Bradcpu: This vid is extremely effective in giving you an overview of the main character and the scope of the universe she lives in, and making you feel a sense of urgency about her fate. It's gripping and makes me want to know more about this game.

We're Here Because We're Here (Journey) by vi0lace: This is an utterly beautiful vid that evokes a sense of awe and wonder in the viewer. I was swept away by it. Definitely one of the highlights of the con for me.

Premieres, VJed by Carol S. and Melina: Premieres is very hit or miss for me. For one thing, it's a long vidshow. Two hours with an intermission. And a lot of the vids are in fandoms I don't care about, or are long themselves, or are on very weighty topics. Or all three at once. It's a hard show for me, but there are always some standouts that make it worthwhile, and here are this year's.

I'm No Superman (Lego Batman) by dragonchic: This is such a fun vid, with a great sense of humor and play.

Past the Feeling (Once Upon a Time) by Anoel: This vid worked for me on a lot of levels. First of all, it's shippy (SwanQueen), which I always like to see, and the song choice and cutting were spot on and helped create a great sense of atmosphere and flow. There was also a fantastic progression of narrative that made it easy to get invested in the characters' lives, and thus hold the attention of someone like me, who has only the most casual knowledge of canon. A very engaging and well-structured vid!

When I Ruled the World (Person of Interest) by astolat: This is the first of two (!!) Person of Interest vids in Premieres. I was so pleased at the great showing for my fandom du jour. I love the dual PoV in this vid, and how it pulls together so many of the threads of the show to give the Reese/Finch relationship a sense of epicness.

Supremacy (James Bond) by rhoboat: This vid was another one of the highlights of the con for me. It's such the complete package: razor sharp cutting, great narrative flow, PERFECT song choice, and genuine emotional depth. AMAZING work!

Retrograde (Beasts of the Southern Wild) by Luminosity: Oh, this vid made me cry. So beautiful.

Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want (Infomercials) by Joyo and AbsoluteDestiny: LOL. This vid is hilarious. If you've ever boggled at the stupidity of infomercials, this is the vid for you.

Some Nights (Person of Interest) by Flummery: This is the second Person of Interest vid of Premieres, and its focus is much more on the ensemble aspect of the show than the Reese/Finch relationship. I really enjoy the fact that Fusco and Carter get equal time in this vid: the teamfeels are strong with this one. :)

Challenge, VJed by trelkez: I tend not to get most Challenge vids--they seem to go over my head a lot of the time. But here's one I really liked:

Pretty When You Cry (Love Is the Devil) by lilly_the_kid: I love the music choice here, and I really have to watch the movie that this vid is based on. It looks fascinating.

vid recs, vividcon 2013, 30 days meme

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