Vividcon 2013

Aug 15, 2013 16:30

I guess cross-posting from Dreamwidth is not working? Anyway, please forgive me if this post shows up twice.
Here is my obligatory YAY VIVIDCON post. Things have been pretty busy around here, what with getting the new dog acclimated, so I haven't had time to wallow in pre-VVC feels, but I'm sure once I get to the hotel, my squee will kick into high gear.

I won't be arriving at the hotel until 8 or 9pm tonight, partially because I can't bear to tear myself away from Bradshaw, and also because I got a bug up my butt last night and decided that I finally needed to make a DVD compilation of my vids to hand out at the con (they're nothing fancy, so I'm not charging for them). So I've been frantically burning DVDs all day. I should have about 20 to give away, so if you want one, be sure to hunt me down! Here's a pic of me with Tally and Bradshaw in my lap. You shall know me by my chins. ;)

vividcon 2013

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