Oh, Friends, I am caught in the grips of full-fledged fannish fervor for Avengers. I realize I never did post publicly about my love for the film; you can just take it as read. I'm riding the fannish wave--woohoo! It's quite exhilarating to be part of a Huge Fandom. I'm in a very squeeful place right now, even though I agree with the film's critics about the atrociousness of a couple of bits of dialogue, particularly THAT LINE spoken by Loki. I want THAT LINE stricken from the record. I literally cannot even think of it for any length of time or it will harsh my buzz. I am employing selective amnesia to get past the issue. LALALALA. Anyway, other than that, it's pure love. I'm so glad I got to see the film twice in quick succession because I came away from the midnight show not particularly blown away. I thought, "Well, that didn't live up to the hype." I think that my problem was that there was so much going on and there were so many characters that the whole thing didn't quite gel the first time around. However, at the second viewing later that same day, I was completely enthralled. Since I had seen it once already, I could forget about trying to catch all of the plot points and dialogue, and I was able to concentrate on all of the lovely little character moments that are embedded everywhere in the film. Knowing the punchline to the jokes actually made them twice as enjoyable, because I was gleefully anticipating the audience's reaction: observing the laughter as well as being caught up in it. It was a wonderful experience.
And there's just so much in the film--so much to work with, fannishly. I didn't come out of it with any new OTPs: for me, Steve is reserved for Bucky's return, and Thor/Loki are as gloriously fucked up as ever. But...I'm open to suggestion. I'm enjoying the Tony/Loki stuff I've been reading (daddy issues extravanganza!), and I'll read Steve/Tony given the right set-up. Coming out of the movie, what I really want are Team stories, gen stories (go figure!), stories where the Avengers become friends and become a found family. Also, I want ALL the Loki redemption fic--I want him to finally get the love he needs and feel remorse for his actions. Like everyone else, I was completely charmed by Bruce Banner/the Hulk, so I want to read lots about him, and Black Widow, wow. She won my heart. Prior to this, I found Scarlett Johannson kind of annoying, but she knocked it out of the park here. Her performance lent Natasha a combination of fragility and badassery that made her very accessible, very human.
I should make some recs because I've read a lot of good fic in the last week, but knowing me, I probably won't muster the energy. If you're interested, I'm bookmarking some stuff on my Pinboard account (
https://pinboard.in/u:talitha78). I also did a search on AO3 under the Avengers 2012 tag (sorted by word count), and had good luck with that.
New fannish obsession means vid ideas, of course, and I have two that I'm working on for Avengers: a general squee vid (literally, that will be the vid summary: SQUEE), and a Thor/Loki. If the Thor/Loki one ever sees the light of day, you will have
rhoboat to thank because I was having a major tech issue, and she gave me a fantastic lead that helped me solve it. I'm hoping to have the squee vid finished this weekend--cam vids are very liberating for me because I don't agonize over them. Something about knowing that a vid is going to look grainy and rough no matter what I do makes me incautious, makes me want to make things off the cuff without over-thinking. I mean, it's going to look like crap regardless, might as well slap something together and just have fun, right?
I want to finish at least three vids before Vividcon: two Avengers vids and one giftvid for which the recipient has waited TWO YEARS. In order to meet this self-imposed deadline, I have forbidden myself access to Tumblr. For me, Tumblr is the enemy of creativity. It's such a time-suck, and it deadens my brain. I feel sad that I'll miss out on the Avengers fun--the art is so amazing over there! but I'm going to be firm. My vid productivity needs a boost, and hopefully this Tumblr fast will help me gain some traction.