I am actually physically shaking, I am so blown away by my
festivids gift. It's a stunningly gorgeous vid for the '80s show Stingray, and you can find
I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't anything as beautiful as what I received. I put Stingray on my request list a.) Because I frankly could not believe anyone else even remembered the show b.) I remembered loving it as a child c.) It features a kick-ass car. I couldn't even recall what the show had been about; I just knew that I had liked it over twenty years ago.
The vid that I got brought back that childish love a thousandfold; it brought back the childhood, too. I got such a rush of nostalgia, it literally brought tears to my eyes. I am stunned, first of all by how achingly lovely the vidder made the source look, and then by the emotional honesty, the sincerity of the vid, the heart.
Dear Festividder, thank you so much for your gift. I am humbled by it. Humbled, and overjoyed.