Nine Smallville Vids I Want to Make

Sep 24, 2009 18:42

In preparation for the Season 9 premiere of Smallville tomorrow, there's a meme going around where you list 9 reasons that you are still watching Smallville. Since I haven't technically "watched" Smallville since sometime around season 5, I can't really do the same, but I am still emotionally and artistically invested in the show, and I am by no means finished with it. Here are 9 vids I still want to make:

1.) Lex vid to Kanye West's "Amazing"
2.) Kal/Red K Clark vid to Les Rythmes Digitales' "Soft Machine"
3.) Lionel vid to The Faint's "The Conductor"
4.) Clex vid to Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence"
5.) Clex vid to Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats"
6.) Chloe vid to Roisin Murphy's "Ruby Blue"
7.) Clark/Chloe vid to Bob Evans' "Flame"
8.) Meteor Mutant of the Week vid to Sufjan Stevens' "We Are What You Say"
9.) Season 4 vid to Le Tigre's "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo"

That's just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. No guarantee on if or when I'll ever make these vids, but I want to make them, yes, I do.

While we're on the topic of Smallville vids, bop_radar paid me the hugest compliment in the world by doing a commentary on my Clark vid "That's Not My Name." You can find her post here. Besides being a commentary on my vid, it is a beautiful summation and reflection on Clark's journey thus far. Absolutely a must-read for any Clark fan.

Personally, I can't wait to see how season 9 unfolds. Judging from the few stills and clips I've seen, it looks really great, and as long as that's the case, count me in. :)

smallville season 9

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