You Crack Me Up: Humor and Crack Vids Playlist

Aug 18, 2009 16:31

Here's the playlist for svmadelyn's and my humor vid show, which I consider a huge success. We had a very good turnout as far as numbers were concerned, and every single vid got at least a couple of laughs, and most got many more than that. Huge thanks to all of the vidders who let us show their stuff; you brought the lulzy good times.

Title: The Slash Llama
Vidder: wyomingnot
Fandom: Multi
Song Artist: Burton Earny
Blurb: Llama slash. Nuff said.

Title: Jolene
Vidder: montanaharper
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Song Artist: White Stripes
Blurb: STOP TAKING RODNEY'S MAN. Excellent use of repeated cross-fades.
Link: Link: Link

Title: Tragedy
Vidder: dualbunny
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Song Artist: The Bee Gees
Blurb: Emo Spike+cheesy special effects=comedy gold

Title: The Smartest People in the World (Tubthumpin')
Vidder: sache8
Fandom: The West Wing
Song Artist: Chumbawumba
Blurb: Fantastic use of physical humor and a beloved Sesame Street character.

Title: Fun with Real Audio, The Girlie Edition *Vividcon Premiere*
Vidder: maichan808
Fandom: Supernatural
Songs: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper, "Rose" from Titanic, "Soul Glo" from Coming to America, and "Only a Woman" from Team America
Blurb: To quote the vidder: CRACKITY CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!

Title: Beverly Hills
Vidder: giandujakiss
Fandom: Merlin
Song Artist: Weezer
Blurb: Camelot as Beverly Hills. It so works.

Title: White Rabbit
Vidder: starcrossedgirl
Fandom: Star Trek OS
Song Artist: Jefferson Airplane
Blurb: This one's especially funny because, you know, it makes a rather good point…

Title: I Kissed a Girl
Vidder: bop_radar
Fandom: Smallville
Song Artist: Katy Perry
Blurb: Clark kissed a girl. No, Lex doesn't like it. Seriously, who knew Clark had managed to kiss this many girls? And seriously, how awesome is this vidder for giving this song new meaning?

Title: Whatever
Vidders: sockkpuppett and sisabet
Fandom: Angel
Song Artist: T-Bal and BJ
Blurb: Best use of a fire hydrant ever.
Link [last vid in the Angel section]

Title: What Goes Around Comes Around
Vidder: wistful_fever
Fandom: Heroes
Song Artist: Justin Timberlake
Blurb: Cause vids that are Serious Business can be hysterical too. Stalkery Timberlake + Sylar = OTP

Title: Anything the Doctor Can Do...[Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)]
Vidders: jagwriter78 and rhoboat
Fandom: Doctor Who
Song Artist: John Barrowman and Ruthie Henshall
Blurb: Brilliant and hilarious use of lipsynching.

Title: Fancy
Vidder: barkley
Fandom: SG1
Song Artist: Reba McEntire
Blurb: As if Daniel Jackson would let us down. It takes a little bit of time to understand what you're seeing unfold, but when you do, you settle in for the ride.

Title: Supernatural in the Pants (Jizz in My Pants)
Vidder: deirdre_c
Fandom: Supernatural
Song Artist: The Lonely Island
Blurb: We looked in this vid's eyes from across the room and it whispered "crack; I'm delicious crack."

Title: Forever Fuzz (Glory of Love)
Vidder: jescaflowne
Fandom: Hot Fuzz
Song Artist: Peter Cetera
Blurb: Now that's a man that would fight for your honor. Peter Cetera makes you an automatic candidate for this playlist, but you've got to have the cute British cops to take it home.

vividcon 2009

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