Here's the playlist for
svmadelyn's and my humor vid show, which I consider a huge success. We had a very good turnout as far as numbers were concerned, and every single vid got at least a couple of laughs, and most got many more than that. Huge thanks to all of the vidders who let us show their stuff; you brought the lulzy good times.
Title: The Slash Llama
wyomingnotFandom: Multi
Song Artist: Burton Earny
Blurb: Llama slash. Nuff said.
Link Title: Jolene
montanaharperFandom: Stargate Atlantis
Song Artist: White Stripes
Blurb: STOP TAKING RODNEY'S MAN. Excellent use of repeated cross-fades.
Link: Link:
Link Title: Tragedy
dualbunny Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Song Artist: The Bee Gees
Blurb: Emo Spike+cheesy special effects=comedy gold
Link Title: The Smartest People in the World (Tubthumpin')
sache8 Fandom: The West Wing
Song Artist: Chumbawumba
Blurb: Fantastic use of physical humor and a beloved Sesame Street character.
Link Title: Fun with Real Audio, The Girlie Edition *Vividcon Premiere*
maichan808 Fandom: Supernatural
Songs: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper, "Rose" from Titanic, "Soul Glo" from Coming to America, and "Only a Woman" from Team America
Blurb: To quote the vidder: CRACKITY CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!
Link Title: Beverly Hills
giandujakiss Fandom: Merlin
Song Artist: Weezer
Blurb: Camelot as Beverly Hills. It so works.
Link Title: White Rabbit
starcrossedgirl Fandom: Star Trek OS
Song Artist: Jefferson Airplane
Blurb: This one's especially funny because, you know, it makes a rather good point…
Link Title: I Kissed a Girl
bop_radar Fandom: Smallville
Song Artist: Katy Perry
Blurb: Clark kissed a girl. No, Lex doesn't like it. Seriously, who knew Clark had managed to kiss this many girls? And seriously, how awesome is this vidder for giving this song new meaning?
Link Title: Whatever
sockkpuppett and
sisabetFandom: Angel
Song Artist: T-Bal and BJ
Blurb: Best use of a fire hydrant ever.
Link [last vid in the Angel section]
Title: What Goes Around Comes Around
wistful_fever Fandom: Heroes
Song Artist: Justin Timberlake
Blurb: Cause vids that are Serious Business can be hysterical too. Stalkery Timberlake + Sylar = OTP
Link Title: Anything the Doctor Can Do...[Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)]
jagwriter78 and
rhoboatFandom: Doctor Who
Song Artist: John Barrowman and Ruthie Henshall
Blurb: Brilliant and hilarious use of lipsynching.
Link Title: Fancy
barkley Fandom: SG1
Song Artist: Reba McEntire
Blurb: As if Daniel Jackson would let us down. It takes a little bit of time to understand what you're seeing unfold, but when you do, you settle in for the ride.
Link Title: Supernatural in the Pants (Jizz in My Pants)
deirdre_c Fandom: Supernatural
Song Artist: The Lonely Island
Blurb: We looked in this vid's eyes from across the room and it whispered "crack; I'm delicious crack."
Link Title: Forever Fuzz (Glory of Love)
jescaflowne Fandom: Hot Fuzz
Song Artist: Peter Cetera
Blurb: Now that's a man that would fight for your honor. Peter Cetera makes you an automatic candidate for this playlist, but you've got to have the cute British cops to take it home.