YAY Vividcon

Feb 22, 2008 10:44

I'm officially in! I wasn't all that worried about making it in since I was #1 on the waitlist, but it's good to know for sure. I signed up for a Club Vivid song, so hopefully this will be the year I see a vid of mine premiere at Vividcon. *boogies* If I have time, I might even try to squeeze out a Premiere vid, but I'm not going to stress about it if I can't. I'm a slow vidder, and I have accepted that about myself. ETA: My apologies for assuming everyone knows what Vividcon is. It's the annual convention for vidders and vidfans. You can learn more about it here: vividcon.

By the way, thanks to all the wonderful feedback I've gotten on "Objection (Tango)," I'm feeling confident enough to submit the vid to the Con.txt con, which is a slash con that happens in June. (http://www.con-txt.net/) Just call me the Ambassador of Clex. :D


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