SPN CreationCon Comments; Some Smallville Recs

Nov 12, 2007 13:25

First of all, let me say that the Supernatural cast who attended the con were truly wonderful. Samantha Ferris (Ellen from the Roadhouse) was much like her character: she comes across very strong-minded and take-no-prisoners, but she was also really nice and personable to the fans. She was the only one to take the time to personalize autographs. Frederic Lehne (the Yellow-Eyed Demon) came out on stage with his guitar and played "Sympathy for the Devil," and was clever, snarky, and hilarious. Jared and Jensen were AMAZING. They were funny, charming, and seemed like genuinely nice guys. I am glad I got to see them interact with each other because I think it will add to my enjoyment of the show. They play so well off of each other and there is real affection between them. Jensen made a lovely comment about how he was able to play Dean's devastation at Sam's death: it's because, at this point, he likes Jared so much that he really would be just that devastated at losing him; thus, he was able to use that emotion in Dean's scenes. (I'm paraphrasing wildly, but that was the gist of it.) As for Jared, a tiny, cute incident during the autograph session gave me a bit of insight into his relationship with Jensen. I had given him a photo of Dean and Sam to sign, and he did, but when he was done, he noticed a large speck of dust on the Dean side of the photo, and he spent a good 30 seconds trying to pick it off for me. It was almost compulsive (how adorably OCD of him!), and I laughed. I was so charmed. He hurriedly explained that he was always doing that to Jensen, picking twigs off of him and stuff.

That said, I don't think I am constitutionally cut out for celebrity fan conventions. I spent the entire two days in a state of low-grade embarrassment. Something about the over-the-top adulation that goes on at these things just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe I'm too self-conscious and uptight, but I really do think that some of the fangirls took it too far. I was particularly appalled at the Jared and Jensen question-and-answer when one of the fans mentioned fanfiction and asked if Jared or Jensen had ever seen any. Seriously, what the fuck? Why would you ask such a thing? Are you so deluded that you think that Jared and Jensen would appreciate knowing that people write salacious stories about them? Because that is just CREEPY. Jared had a great comeback: "The operative word there is FICTION." In other words, crazy fangirl, get a grip!!! [ETA: Ooops, upon reading other people's con reports, it turns out it was Jensen who actually said this. Good on you, Jensen!] Then there was the woman who claimed that Supernatural had saved her life and who asked for a hug and gave Jared a thank you plaque for his *parents*. YIKES! Oh, and the relentless chick who asked if Jared and Jensen had received the hats and scarves she had crocheted for them. Because she sent them in April, and they should have arrived by now, you know. I cringed and blushed every time a fan stepped up to the mike, dreading what embarrassing thing would emerge from their mouths. Thankfully for me, most of the fans were cool. It's only the few crazies who make us all look bad. :( So, yeah, not sure if I'll be doing another one of these things, even though I did enjoy spending time with mkitty3, serenography, icalynn, and desertskies. Oh, and there was a brief svmadelyn sighting as well. :D
There's been some really nice Smallville art posted in the last week or so. Lately, I've been too distracted/busy to really keep up with fanfic, but I always have time to look at art, it seems.

bop_radar just released a gorgeous Clark/Lana vid, "Samson". I know some of you have a visceral negative reaction to Clana, but if you can work past that, I really encourage you to give this vid a try. It's a lovely portrait of Clark and Lana's relationship without a sappily romantic agenda. It feels very real, very much in keeping with where they are now in the seventh season, fully informed with the knowledge that Clark and Lana are not headed for happily-ever-after. I had a couple of tears in my eyes after watching it, no lie.

As you can tell from the icon I'm using on this post, I am a fan of the chibi school of fanart, and both attaccabottoni and loony_lucifer's art feed into this. Check out attaccabottoni's cute Clark and Lex art here. Along with Clark and Lex "comics style" art, loony_lucifer also has a nice Lex portrait and a disturbingly erotic Lex/Lionel art here.

I am always happy to see art from goss because I love the way she plays with shape, perspective, color, and space. Her recent Clark art is another fine example. I especially like the use of the green and the details on the ball and chain. This one is not work-safe.

Finally, for those of you who would like to mix your bandom love with your Clark and Lex love, azrielle_jones has been making startlingly hot manips using My Chemical Romance photos: "My Smallville Romance". The "Clarkwork Orange" manip is also really cool.

As always, if you see something you like, please give the artists some love!

spn con; sv art recs

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