Free range children, and sausages (not quite what you're thinking)

Jan 05, 2008 17:39

Today was a very enjoyable day.

As far as first sentences go, I think that one is a good one to have in your diary. It started with waking up to find that the day was absolutely gorgeous, and that the depressing cloudy weather for the last week or so has finally buggered off; an icy blue winter's sky with a headless tree sitting outside my window promised much.

Which is ironic, as I spent the first 5 or so hours of the day playing World of Warcraft inside ;) I'd seen a rather nifty cloak, the [Bogstrok Scale Cloak] for my feral druid bear tank in the Slave Pens instance, and I really wanted to give it a shot. So logging onto the game and seeing most of my guildies, I quickly organised a Slave Pens run. We slew the boss with the cloak, but it didn't drop. Luckily for me, the server then rebooted on a rolling restart, and we decided to do it again...and it dropped! So, with a Major Armor enchant on it (+120 armour), it now suits by bear tanking efforts well indeed. All in all, a very fun instance.

After the WoW effort,
emmaco  and I went out for a drive to check out a local farm shop. It was quite good in the array of meats, and I loved the sign on the driveway - "Warning: Free Range children and animals". Ended up getting some pork and sage sausages and free range chicken breast. Should be sampling some of that for dinner, so looking forward to it immensely.

Continuing on the drive, we headed up to Bedford to check out some computer gear (in the market for a new graphics card - eye on the nVidia 8800GT, which looks awesome), and then heading home we stopped in at a pub at Moggerhanger called the Guinea. It was really nicely done out in the restauranty area, so I'm going to have to take the folks out there when they come over for a sunday lunch.

All in all, a really nice day so far. Also watched the start of the first series of Heroes last night - looks very cool, and am looking forward to seeing more of it.

uk 2008

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