
Mar 28, 2007 12:03

That pretty much sums it up lately. Meh. I'm tired and I don't feel much like doing a damn thing. The job's been a pain in the ass, but it's a paycheck. Someone in techsupport posted an awesome article about how 'the customer is always right' is wrong - I think management here could stand to read it.

I'm sick and tired of rude, demanding, obnoxious people who have been trained by that policy that bitching, swearing, name-calling, and being rude will get them what they want. When we have to cave in to that kind of crap, and we actually get points off our QA scores for saying the word NO or trying to tell them they or we can't do something, it just fosters an environment where people think they can abuse us.

Like this stupid broad last night with a satellite box. She could see her Directv program guide, she just couldn't change the channel. NOT the TV. This is clearly 100% a satellite box issue. I tried for ten minutes to explain this to her politely and without using any of the "taboo words". What did I get for my trouble? "I want to talk to your supervisor. You're fucking incompetent, you stupid bitch, I know for absolute certain there is NOTHING wrong with my satellite box."

There comes a time when you need to be able to just tell someone NO, and hang up if they keep arguing.

And if you're one of those people who's rude and demanding to anonymous tech support people... well, fuck you sideways with an unlubricated chainsaw.

Aside from that.... had plans to go to the renfaire last weekend, but Natasha was sick. She'd been lethargic and feverish all week, but the doctor said on Wednesday that it was just a virus that would run its course in a few days. Come Saturday, when we planned to go, she was still miserable. Sunday... we get our first clue when she's up at 2am bawling and FINALLY tells us that her ear hurts. Pediatrician has office hours until lunch on Sunday, so off we go to the doctor AGAIN. This time, they tell us 'Oh yeah, absolutely, she has a serious ear infection, she probably just didn't have enough fluid in there Wednesday to see it.' Sigh. This after Clint missing two days of work, and all of us not getting any sleep all week because it hurt her and she was up crying three or four times a night.

24 hours after she started the antibiotics for the ear infection, she's as good as new.... except for being PO'ed that she's not allowed to play in the pool Grandma bought her until her ear is better.

All in all, I think I'm just tired and cranky. I could use a day off that's actually a day off, without 50 things I have to do, or anything blowing up in my face. So really I'm just bitching, but hey, that's what this journal is here for. Now if you'll all excuse me, I think I'm going to go find something innocent on the web with which to distract myself from the prospect of going on a stabbing spree amongst my co-workers.
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