Sony can bite me.

Feb 08, 2007 11:08

No, this is not a video game related discussion. This is an electronics industry in general discussion.

First they start making DVD's with their new version of ARCCoS copy protection (which they SAY they stopped using last year sometime, only they didn't). This is a non-standard crap piece of software which causes multiple DVD players from multiple vendors to lock up if you try to go anywhere from the menu screen. If you've had a problem playing any of the following DVD's, there was NOTHING wrong with your player, it's Sony's fucking fault: An American Haunting, Da Vinci Code, and pretty much anything Sony has released on DVD in the last eight months.

Now they're making another broken-ass copy protection scheme which is causing their Blu-Ray discs to lock up players from other vendors as well - including Philips, who helped them DESIGN the fucking Blu-Ray standard.

I think lampdevil put it best: Sony needs to go die in a fire.
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