Kanju Concert and Goods (a short post)

Mar 29, 2010 10:26

There are only individual photosets.  Yuma has 3 and the other main guys have 1 each.  Those of you who ordered group sets, I will be refunding your money... but it'll have to wait until I come back from Tokyo next week.  Sorry.

Went to the first show for the Kanju concert yesterday.  I enjoyed it a lot, but that's probably because I like all of them a lot and while I don't like the Jimusho shoving Yuma in my face, I don't mind him so much.  Yes, he appeared a lot, but honestly, it was MUCH better this time around (as compared tot he UMEcon last year).  I wish he would just stay in Osaka... he's just so much better here.  His unit matches him better, he's much more comfortable, and all the people around him treat him like it's him.  They don't baby him through everything and it's nice.

I wasn't so great on looking at everyone this time... if Kikuoka was on stage, that's where I was looking.  If he wasn't, I was looking at Kamiyama or Takemoto.  Most likely Kamiyama.  I hope I'll be able to write an actual report later.

- Takemoto is TOTALLY the pet of Kanju.  He'll kinda just go up to some of the members of Veteran or even just the older Jr. Boys with this look of "Huh?" and they'll walk with him around the stage.  It was cute.
 - Kamiyama got into the camera a LOT.  There were times I'd just glance up at the VTR screen and it was like, BAM! Kamiyama.  haha...
 - Kikuoka looks GOOD.  He and Bun-chan have really similar hair as are their heights, so sometimes it takes a little to figure out which is which from so far away (I fail at having binoculars).  He's not so great at interacting with the other Kanju on his own... they have to approach him.  But he was really cute to the audience.  Too bad most people don't look at him.  Sad.
 - YUMA STOLE HAMA-CHAN'S PART IN THE ENDING TOUGH WEEDS SONG.  Ok.  I'm actually kind of upset about this.  Like.  Ok.  In TOUGH WEEDS, Hama-chan's character is beat to death.  He dies.  A year later, all the other cell mates meet to pay respects to his grave.  Ok, so Yuma wasn't in TOUGH WEEDS and they needed to give him lines to sing.  I got that.  But not only did they start the song off with him and not Akito, they gave the part of the song where Hama-chan comes back out on stage and it's upsetting.  *breathes*
 - Yuma and 7WEST did this weird letter reading thing where they read this fan letter.  The girl said that she had gotten tickets to the concert as a birthday present but then couldn't go because she was going on a trip so she had to give her tickets to a friend.  And then they sang some Happy Birthday song.  Um... ok?  Shige was standing next to Yuma so when Yuma was going to read the letter, he handed the envelope to Shige.  And then when the girl said that her birthday was the same as Yuma's, Shige was like, "Oh.  Fish Day!" and Yuma was like, "Do you have to say that?" (I don't know if you guys remember or saw their letter segment on Shokura.  Shige's first impression of Yuma was that he looked like would like fish.  Yeah.) 
 - I don't like that BAD doesn't do the choreography for all of VIP.  You have choreography... DO IT!  I mean, it's kinda dumb looking choreography, but it's fun and I like being able to do it... but we can't do it if you're going to trade it in for waving your hands back and forth.
 - Oh.  Akito's hair?  Not so attractive.  Neither is Ryusei's or Dai-chan's.
 - During one of BAD's songs today, I turned to my friend and was like, "I see TORN.  What do you see?"  It was to the point that I actually was wondering if they'd end in a TORN-like pose at the end.
 - ENCORE.  Ume Goin On and Romantic.  Junta was all like "Da da!" during that part at the end of Romantic when he's the only one that jumps to the side.
 - Speaking of Senzaki.  There's a song that he went up in the crane... and then one of the Jr's was in a swing HANGING from the crane cart.  Um... that's new?  It was a little bizarre.

Ok.  Gotta stop here cause I have to pack for Tokyo/Fukuoka.

g: hey!say!7west, g: veteran, g: bad, concert, g: boys, g: kansai juniors

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