Jun 20, 2009 23:17

9:26     Call Laruku
14:11   Leave Izumisano to head towards Umeda
15:07   Met up with Okuralove816 for late lunch
16:35   Walked over to the Umeda Art Theatre to buy Kanjuu Goods
16:38   Went to do purikura instead since the goods line wasn't open
17:23   Got on a train to go home to grab it
17:45   Got on a train in Namba to get back to Izumisano
18:00   Kansai Jr. Ume Concert...  START!!!
18:15   Arrived in Izumisano
18:28   Got on a train back to Osaka-shi
19:19   Arrived at Umeda Station
19:25   Arrived at Umeda Art Theatre.  KanJuu performing Blow Out
19:29   LAST SONG


So yeah.  Saw the last song and a half, plus the encores.  I'm okay (well... sorta) now, but I was really pissed off at myself during the in between part.

concert, g: kansai juniors

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