Ok. It's been 8 days and still no answer from LJ. Sadly, no matter how pissed I am at LJ for giving me nightmares about my co-workers and former classmates reading my entries and fics (not joking), I'm too attached to my journal to move it over to DW. My fandom sources are here and since they do not seem to be going anywhere, neither am I. SO, where does that leave us?
I was too lazy before and just made my entire journal PRIVATE, meaning that only I can see my posts up until August 31st. I'll be going through them to unlock the ones that I don't mind staying public and filtering others. I don't think a lot of you would even link your Facebooks to your LJ in the first place, much less crosspost, but I'm just going to say this now...
DO NOT CROSS-POST ANYTHING ON MY LJ TO FACEBOOK OR TWITTER. Yes, comments count as being ON MY LJ. Maybe you're okay with people in your RL reading your LJ and vice versa, but I AM NOT.
Now, for those of you who'd like to remove the little Facebook/Twitter tick boxes from your journal, have some code. Original creator of the code seems to be
saifai , but I was originally directed to it on
bzzinglikeneon and then traced it back. I recommend adding this code to your lj. It only hides the tick boxes from being shown, so if someone is viewing your page in their own style or has auto-updates set up, this won't prevent your stuff from getting cross-posted. So yeah. Not a permanent solution, but it's a start.
EDIT: Should mention that the code might not work for EVERYONE. Plug it in, try it out, but Kira said it doesn't work for her.
Go to the Custom CSS page and paste the following code at the bottom of whatever code you're already using. It also can work on communities... or at least it did on the one I tried it on. Recommend it to those of you who post media files.
/* ---FB-Twitter Comment Ticky Fix--- */ .b-repost-items, .b-repost-item, .b-repost-item IMG, #entry-form-wrapper .b-repost-item, b-repost-item-fb { display: none; } .b-repost-item .repost_disabled { color: #CCC; display: none; }
And if you still haven't heard about this whole FB/Twitter/LJ cross-posting thing,
go educate yourself here. She's been keeping an eye on the situation. And if that's too hard to understand,
here's someone who tried out cross-posting to Twitter and Facebook.
Here's another experiment with Facebook cross-posting. Both experiments have screencaps.
Ok. Here's to hoping that my next post has nothing to do with this stupid LJ f-up.