May 21, 2006 20:54
5 weird things about me.
1. Every time I go buy a new toothbrush it is always exactly the same brand and color as my old one..
2. I have 4 nipples.. (the extra 2 look like little moles, but the Dr told me they're nipples.)
3. I keep a blue Hippo that goes "MOOOOOOOOOOOO" on my desk
4. I wanted to be a Jockey when I was a kid. was right pissed off when my mom told me I was too tall
5. I love to fish, but I hate the taste of fish.
6. (Because I got tagged for a 6 facts version by Iyelli) Umm... I'm 6'7
and I don't think I'm gunna tag anybody.. cuz I think everybody has probably been tagged by somebody else by now :P