Ho Ho Ho...e.t.c

Dec 25, 2008 21:31

Although the day is nearly over now I spose xD

Hope everyone had a good day and got some nice pressies ^_^

Watched Doctor Who this evening, ah, corny show is corny! Was rather funny and random.
Damn those Cybermen, are they ever going to bugger off?
Morrisey didn't annoy me half as much as I was expecting; actually he didn't really annoy me at all, much to my surprise. I thought he was pretty great to be honest.
This one had a good ending too, I like that the Doctor finally gave in and stayed for once.
I definitely liked this one more than last years, that one was sucky. I mean everybody just died - oh the drama and all that srz bznz, it drove me mad. Yes this one had the touches of sadness with Morrisey's character and his past, but overall it was a much more lighthearted affair. Didn't take itself as seriously, which is the way it should be.

Would liked to have known a bit more about those demented furry Cybermen though, wtf was that?
And the giant Cyberking thing - it was like Transformers gone horribly wrong. They should of just thrown in Godzilla and had some kind of showdown, I think they could of got away with it.
When I was watching my attention wavered a few times like it was dragging scenes on too long, but then by the end it felt totally rushed. Lol go figure. 
So yeah I must admit I was confused at times xD But quite liked it nonetheless!

Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death was awesome, not that I expected anything else. Very funny and random, they are brilliant. *g*

So yeah, had a pretty good day, just been a quiet christmas with my parents and my dog, lounging about infront of the fire, watching telly. Hope everyone else had a great day!

christmas, random

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