(no subject)

Apr 01, 2011 20:09

Main computer is deeeeeead. At first Avast was just blocking all these malicious URLs but then something got through. That developed into the dreaded Fake Antivirus 2011 (I've now had the '09, '10 and '11 strains, I'm starting to feel quite special) which fucking hijacked everything. I managed to get rid of that, but it broke all my .exe files. I even managed to fix that but just when everything was starting to look peachy the hidden REPEATER virus sprung to life. That one I just couldn't get rid of and it all went to hell.

So, wiped the harddrive, back to factory settings for me. Managed to back up most important files but it's going to take some time to get everything up and running again. The whole debacle has made me tired of the computer at all so don't be concerned if I'm even quieter than I have been lately as it is.

Ho hum, back I go to check on my second attempt at a Windows installation. If it doesn't work this time I am literally going to take the computer to the back of the garden and set fire to it.

epic fail, fml, why god why

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