Southland 3x04

Jan 26, 2011 18:47

I'm going to keep this public incase any fans who stumble over here want to come in and share their thoughts.

I have to make this post because I watched the episode this morning and I haven't been able to stop thinking (and crying) about it all day. I'm so incredibly heartbroken. I know it's a TV show and a fictional character, but I honestly feel like I lost somebody close to me. Yes that's ridiculous; no I don't care. It hurts so bad, you guys. I only have to think about it and I'm welling up again.

This season seems to have been subtitled "Increasingly bad things that can happen to Sammy", and well, I think they finally hit the nail on the head because I mean really, it couldn't get any fucking worse. Not only does his ass of a wife cheat on him, get pregnant, take his home and destroy their marriage, but now he gets to witness the brutal murder of his best friend and partner while he desperately and hopelessly tries to save him.

It was just absolutely horrific.

On one hand I fully appreciate the realism of it, it came out of nowhere and that's the fragility of life, you know. Especially as a cop. But on the other I loved Nate so much, I can't help but question the writer's decision. He'll be irreplaceable in every way. And Sammy, he's just going to be broken after this, I mean the guy surely can't have anything else to lose, except his badge. I am not going to be able to deal with his heartbreak.

It's not just about Sammy's loss of course, even more so it's Nate's wife and kids too. Her scream at the end keeps replaying in my head. Ugh, god it's just awful.

It pains me to think that this show is so overlooked that Shawn Hatosy is unlikely to be recognised for what is some of the most phenomenal acting I have ever seen. He just shattered my heart to pieces. That man deserves every accolade under the sun and then some. And judging from this post-episode interview Kevin agrees:

No joke! And this was truly an amazing episode for Shawn Hatosy as well ... was it nice to sit back and watch Shawn do his thing?

Oh my god -- I learned so much by watching that guy. He was incredible, wasn't he? He just nailed it. He nailed it. That silent cry at the end ... trying to have strength, but he just completely lost it all. Man, it was beautiful. He deserves any accolade that could be given for that performance. We were texting each other last night about the show and everything ... I only hope to be as good as him one day, and that's one of the things that I told him, because he's solid.

I swear it's just masochistic to be reading stuff like this right now. He also talks about how sad he is to leave and that he'll miss his 'Southland' family and BRB CRYING FOR FUCKING EVER.

Note to self: stop getting emotionally invested in shows. Seriously can't take this again.

Just to break away from the morbidness of this whole post I do just want to say that before all this fuckery happened there was a Ben/Coop scene that made me laugh. It was when the suspect goes running off and Ben chases after on foot, Coop just comes rolling alongside in the car all "Dude you ran off with my partner's cuffs" and then BAM, guy goes down on his face. Very funny.

This episode had it all, humour, excitement, drama, shocking plot twists...and each one of those was right on the money, I mean TV perfection. This episode was one of the strongest ever, but it was also soul destroying and I'm not sure I'll be able to watch it ever again.

crying forever, southland, emotional shit, why god why

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