Found this on AE today and it really got my goat (even though I was still laughing, because I try to find humour in everything, I would of had a breakdown long ago if I didn't)
In an interview with AOL the interviewer asked Simmons why he was "talking smack" about Lambert, and here was his response...
Simmons: I don't think I've been talking smack at all. In fact, if anything, I've been soft-peddling. He's enormously talented, best talent 'American Idol' has had, but I think he killed his career because now the conversation is not about his talent but about his sexual preference. He's done. You're forcing people to deal with issues they may not be interested in. Life is unfair, and the masses don't all live in L.A. They live in Wisconsin and Nebraska, and you're on crack if you think the same rules apply there. My advice is still the same, shut the f*** up, just sing and let people say whatever they want. But I do wish him the best because he's got all the talent in the world. If only the world was not homophobic, but it is. I would be the first one to vote for equal rights for gay women and men, and get the church and the state to stop telling everybody how to lead their lives, but do I think he's killed his career? Oh, in an instant. I hope I'm completely wrong. I hope he becomes the next Beatles and proves me wrong.
You patronizing, contradicting, hypocritical, attention seeking, time wasting ASSHAT. Why can't this guy just mind his own frakking business?
This man has officially talked more about Adam's sexuality than Adam has. It's people like you who are the reason why others won't move off of the subject and focus on his music. Does he seriously think Adam doesn't have the right to say who he is? The media hounded him about it, so he put an end to it in a classy, upscale manner; done. The end.
This is the same guy that said Adam shouldn't be talking about his private life and should "keep his mouth shut about his sexual preferences" because, of course, these are exactly the rules Gene lives his life by.
Oh no wait, hang on, I seem to be remembering some bragging about sleeping with over 4600 different women. Congratulations, you're now a walking STD waiting to happen.
Oh and, hang on.....there's something else isn't there? OH that's right! He has his own reality TV show in which cameras follow him and his family around and then broadcast all of their ~crazyyyyyy antics on national television.
So, not really practicing what we preach there are we Simmons? Funny that.
It's not the "smack talk" about Adam that gets me here, I'm sure bb couldn't give a shit, it's just this man's blatant hypocrisy and pathetic attempts to seek attention. Yeah well, boo you whore, get off of Adam's fabulous coattails, you're getting them all dirty.
Oh and don't you just hate people who are "pro-gay" and then come out with shit like, "Well I mean I'm fine with your being gay, it's just the rest of America/Humanity that thinks you're wrong and are grabbing their flaming torches and pitchfolks, but not me, I'm fine about you guys."
Except the other week these exact words came out of his mouth (again in regards to Adam):
" I personally don't care, I mean if you love farm animals, that's fine, but I don't wanna read a magazine about that."
I'm sorry, did you actually just compare Drake to a farmyard animal? Ironic considering there's only one pig here, and it ain't him.
I leave you with a gif that perfectly demonstrates my feelings.
Apologies for bringing my ~rage~ and ~hate~ here, I'm sure I'll feel awful about it tommorow and delete the entry, but right now I am in a shitarse mood and felt the need to vent.