Well I watched Primeval (3x01) today as I recorded it on Saturday. I watched all of series 1 religiously, but then I was really disappointed in series 2 so I gave up with it about at about episode 5 of 7, however they repeated it and I ended up watching 6 and 7 (or at least enough of them to know what was going on) so I figured may aswell give this new series a shot.
It was ok I guess, nothing particularly exciting but some funny lines and Connor is always adorable. I miss Stephen though, I'm so miffed he's dead. I know he had some prattish qualities but he was good at heart, and come on, Nick/Stephen slash made the whole show easier to bear.
Haven't got round to watching Robin Hood yet, I am so worried about this series, I think I'm going to have to seriously step back from the emotional attachment this time round otherwise I'm going to get my heart broken like last time (Oh Marian, I miss you) ;__;
And also, no Will and Djaq? Allan/Will/Djaq were my ultimate OT3, it just won't be the same without them.
Mum went away to my aunt's last thursday/friday, so dad and I had some evenings to ourselves to watch films and have a chat. We started to watch Wild Hogs but we just had to turn it off in the end, what a crock of shite. It started off not too bad but by about 40 minutes in it was just this one long gay panic gag and frankly getting offensive. Dad and I just sort of looked at each other and I said to him "This is possibly the most homophobic thing I've ever had to sit through", he agreed and we shoved that one back in the case.
We ended up watching 'Deliverance' instead (yeah slightly different genre, hah) and damn that film is creepy. I will have an aversion to Banjo music for the rest of my life now. O____o It was incredibly good though, the acting is phenomenal, I've never seen Reynolds better, and Voight was magnificent.
On friday night I got him to watch Tropic Thunder with me as he'd not seen it before. It seriously doesn't matter how many times I watch that, I still laugh as hard as the first. Epic, silly and such a hilarious film, I love it so much ♥
I haven't got round to watching SPN 4x11 yet, probably do that tonight when le parents have gone to bed. The ending of 4x10 just about killed me, oh Dean, you made me cry so much. T____T
And I have to say, Cas I love you bb, but damn you suck. It was surprisingly funny watching him have his arse handed to him (plus Dean got to rescue him and I pretty much self-combusted in fangirly joy).
Posted a new small batch at
colour_me_quick, all BoB this time, jeez, if I'm not up half the night watching it then I'm iconning it, my soul has been consumed I tell you, consumed!
I just have to share this clip, I wish I'd been better aware of Paul Newman's life and work before he passed away, he seemed like a really great guy. This clip with James Dean makes me smile so much, Paul's reaction is very sweet.
Click to view
Hope everyone had a good weekend! ♥