Gift Icons

Jan 01, 2008 20:06

Okay here it is belated Xmas icon gifts where first 5 ljers had to describe what they wanted in
icon with a 3 word post

Guys the icon are not up for grabs unless ljers listed below wants to share them with you, I made them personally for each one, and I gave this gift out to any of first people responded in post last week, I had 12 slots open and 5 people responded,(now closed, sorry I have to finish my other projects!=) so they have like quadruple choices
a few of these I took my ideas from yet to be posted 250 icon post *dreads* It sometimes it takes
longer for me to post than make some of the icons, I really should be better at this. I try to be unique when making icons, hope I succeeded!

clark, red, smooth

I tried =) hope you like Talitha!

Lex, pretty, animated

I don't know if I topped that last one hero!=)but hope you like

tom, soft and dreamy

he is dreamy isn't he?=)

Jared/Jensen, romantic, soft

I was all over the place with these, lol. The last one and first one is probably fits the description best.

Lex, smooth, purple

very unique I think!

again icons belong exclusively to person listed unless they want to share=) hmmm I might turn a few of these into banners with the banner post!
Next post... the best of 2007!

If somethings strikes your fancy let me know and I 'll try to remember when I get around to
doing another icon post....sometime in the future=)
need some sleep now...

icons, callouts, manip, gifts, misc fandoms

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