used books yay

Apr 12, 2009 08:51

So I went up to a used bookstore with Will and his friends yesterday al of them really nice people. I am so happy with my finds. I found a copy of "childhood's end," by Clarke from 1953 for $2.50 I scooped that up, an old anthology of SF stuff by Lin Carter and Harlan Ellison I yoinked that. A copy of Dracula which I wanted to read anyway and the complete book of swords by Saberhagen. All of it for a little over thirty bucks. As you can imagine Im geekin out here.

The best part is the Lin Carter Anthology came from a shelf of stuff I wasn't supposed to be able to by off of. She told me normally that the stuff wasn't for sale but her husband wasn't there so why not. We all know that forbidden is my favorite kind of book.
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