Well, two months later in this most exciting journal and the internal fight with this apartment I'm getting more and more sick of and my tendency to withdraw when unhappy continues. (And such a lovely opening sentence! Go me!) But hey! a rather odd looking icon of my cat! And I have 12 grain cereal soaked so I can make some bread; my
new bookcase is up in the bedroom and the looming-over-the-bed one that it replaced is in the living room; all the old magazines and paper for recycling are tied up and ready for recycling; I bought a floofy black/brown fake fur throw lined with red velveteen for $25, which should be nice in the winter; I'm going to get a chair! Finally! A place to relax that doesn't leave my hip all weird, where I can balance a drink on the arm. Yay! (My mom got some Poang chairs and footstools from Ikea a couple of years ago and I love them. Since I realized that sitting on the lovely squishy couches and chairs leaves my hip hurting, the only place I can lounge is on the floor (which I just spelled "flur"...need more coffee), but these chairs leave my body happy and relaxed and I'm finally getting around to buying one. Although not the footstool yet.) I will put next to the window in the bedroom and be able to sit and read and look at the sky.
Now that I have an icon, maybe I'll completely hogwild and do a meme (from
sartorias and
mrissa). I'm not doing the years ago part, but you really aren't missing much.
Five snacks I enjoy: cinnamon toast, pretty much any kind of fresh fruit (and dried apricots), chocolate, pickled stuff, and scones/cookies/pieces of cake/biscotti/etc.
Five bands I know most of the lyrics of their songs: Not bands, but: Emmylou Harris, Patsy Cline, the Violent Femmes, Morphine, Willie Nelson, the Smiths.
Five things I'd do with a hundred million bux: Travel to Europe and Southeast Asia and New Zealand and Australia and Africa and take my time exploring, buy a farm, set up a trust for the support of a family member, donate, find or have made or otherwise acquire well-made clothes that I like (I'm going to need to buy some fall clothes soonish and you could not pay me to wear most of the stuff I see available. I love shopping when there's stuff I like, but looking for clothes when I can't find anything I like and can afford drives me nuts.)
Five places I'd like to run away to: a cottage on a lake, the ocean, skiing, Tuscany, a Dorothy Sayers novel.
Five bad habits I have: avoidance, nail-biting (occasionally), smoking, withdrawing, piling things up and never putting them away (I call it a nesting instinct, not laziness)
five things I like doing: reading, watching and interacting with animals and plants, baking, translation and logic, using my muscles
Five things I will never wear: If we change "will never" to "highly unlikely to" or "really dislike to": scratchy polyester, vinyl (the smell bugs me), 70's kitchen colors (avocado, that nasty brown and orange, etc.), most dropped-waist dresses, all but two things I saw in the most recent In Style magazine the other day.
Five TV shows I like: I've rarely had a tv, but used to have a standing Twin Peaks date at a friend's place. I loved the Muppet Show. On dvd, I like Homicide, the David Suchet Poirot shows (and pretty much anything I've seen from the BBC or A&E Mystery things), and (The?) Office.
Five movies I like: Raising Arizona, the Princess Bride, Tender Mercies, Best in Show, Rear Window, The Fifth Element. (Sorry, that was six, but now that they're all up there, I don't know which to take away.)
Five people I'd like to meet: Gah. I've always hated this question. People whose journals I read and, off the top of my head, Julia Child, Elizabeth I, Gerald Durrell, Thomas Jefferson.
Five biggest joys at the moment: Big joys, eh? I'm physically healthy; Greek and Latin start up in just over a month; later this week I'm going to have a lovely trip to DC and go to the zoo, and eat yummy food, and play in the garden, and get some Lush stuff, etc., etc.; I'm not alone; my cat and family are (mostly) healthy.
Five favorite toys: This wooden woodpecker thing with a pink tuft of downy feathers on its head that pecks its way down a thin metal pole. (Wow. I just googled woodpecker toy and the first link is to an academic paper about it! That's pretty cool. There's a picture
here. The computer. Also paper dolls. Blocks. Those bouncy balls with the handles.
Now I'm off to the vet's to get the malty goo my cat is so pitifully missing.