Nov 12, 2004 21:16
And Friday came, and the Taki rejoice'd. (No, really: she did.)
Gnarr... o_o; I've not been feeling too well lately. I won't go into anymore details, but I'll just let it suffice to say that I've been excessively dizzy, lightheaded, and nauseous over an extended period of time, and I haven't been getting a lot of sleep. I'm getting to be as bad as an insomniac as I was when I was in the fifth and sixth grades. x_x; I figure I'm only getting five hours of sleep per night as it is, sans the extra restlessness and tossing-'n'-turning I seem to go through each night. By the end of the week, I end up exhausted and practically falling asleep in class -- especially history; Parker has the most annoying, boring, monotonic, drilling-through-skulls voice EVAR in all my experience with teachers. I can't think of any one teacher I disliked more than I dislike this woman... >_O; that's saying something; it sometimes takes a lot for me to absolutely dislike someone this much. I won't say "hate," though; I don't think I hate anyone.
I finished reading The Lovely Bones; the last few chapters were the most beautiful. If you end up reading this book, just remember that it starts out harsh, but it has a wonderful ending. I've started The Da Vinci Code, and I'm already more than halfway through it... probably 300+ pages into it. I absolutely LOVE it! <3 I mean, this is the first time in a long while that I've become obsessed with a book after the first two pages... >.> that doesn't happen all too often. I love mysteries, symbology, cryptology, iconology, religious theories, iconoclasm, agnosticism.... I love how the plot leaves gaps that are filled at a lightning pace; hard to put this book down. I realize it's largely fiction, but it DOES have some factual basis to it, like the existence of organizations such as Opus Dei and the Priory of Sion, and idealistic theories such as the End of Days at the Age of Aquarius. I found myself online looking up more information on Leonardo da Vinci (I already loved this guy; now I'm even more interested), finding the pieces of artwork describe in the book to get visual images in my head... I'm going to read Angels and Demons as soon as my dad's done with it. =n_n= I'm just obsessed with this book and the theoretical implications surrounding Da Vinci's most famous artwork, the way he's said to be a practical prankster who secretly incorporated pagan/feminine symbols in his works... whee. ^_^ That part about Mary Magdalene...! :O I won't say anymore, for fear I'll spoil parts of the plot for people who haven't read it yet. X3 Even if you don't necessarily read a lot of books like this, it still has a great fictional plot, murders, developed characters, great vocabulary, and tons of humour, especially obscure sexual innuendo... XD
“As the Citroen accelerated southward across the city, the illuminated profile of the Eiffel Tower appeared, shooting skyward in the distance to the right. Seeing it, Langdon thought of Vittoria, recalling their playful promise a year ago that every six months they would meet again at a different romantic spot on the globe. The Eiffel Tower, Langdon suspected, would have made their list. Sadly, he last kissed Vittoria at a noisy airport in Rome more than a year ago.
‘Did you mount her?’ the agent asked, looking over.
Langdon glanced up, certain he had misunderstood. ‘I beg your pardon?’
‘She is lovely, no?’ The agent motioned through the windshield toward the Eiffel Tower. ‘Have you mounted her?’
Langdon rolled his eyes. ‘No, I haven’t climbed the tower.’
‘She is the symbol of France. I think she is perfect.’
Langdon nodded absently. Symbologists often remarked that France - a country renowned for machismo, womanizing, and diminutive insecure leaders like Napoleon and Pepin the Short - could not have chosen a more apt national emblem than a thousand-foot phallus.” -- excerpt from The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.
Just one example of the amusing humour Dan Brown manages to incorporate into the thickening plot. :D I even ended up having a debate/discussion with Sweeney today because I was reading this book. Normally I'll break off the conversation early just so I can read, and I'll listen vaguely as he holds political debates with the other three kids in my class, looking up every now in then, but this one I actually contributed to about three times with vague statements. First he started off saying that he hated this book -- then somehow we got into a discussion of morality and ethics and improvement of society and the war in Iraq and oil and nonexistant "weapons of mass descruction" and such... which is always worthwhile to hear, coming from Sweeney. I always like listening to his political opinions -- he always gets everyone so worked up over it, too. XD
Mm... what else? Hell, I don't really know. @w@; Finished my history essay, that stupid chemistry lab, my science fair project idea writeup... all blegh. I finished the homework I have due on Monday... meh, should PROBABLY do some studying for that big vocab review test, BUT~ I forgot my book at school. Oh well; I'll study in Accounting on Monday... >w>;; Last time I got a good grade even though I only studied for, like, five to ten minutes. Now all there is left jabbing me in the ribs is... that nerve-wracking English presentation. =w= I probably shouldn't have started on The Da Vinci Code before reading that W. W. Jacobs compilation -- I really need to get started on this project. *PROCRASTINATION* xx; Eh, ahwell... I'm not worrying about it this weekend.
I know some of my friends want to get together this weekend, so I'll prolly end up doing that... maybe. I'm not sure I want to, but I think I need to~ :x both for "them" and for them and for me possibly too... *shroog* oh well; all I know is that according to one friend, the term "aqueduct" is interchangeable with the word "hell"... xD don't ask; inside joke afoot.
Mweh... what else? Er, one more thing, I think~ at least for now. o-o; CONSPIRACY THEORIES/THEORISTS ARE FUN. ^__^ Yay...! O.o I mean, really... I don't know why I'm so interested in weird theories, ideals, religious/historical contradictions and such, buuuut... I am. XD They're fun to read about, fun to talk about... o-o; probably part of the reason why I'm so into The Da Vinci Code.
I like quirky people.
The kind that don't necessarily feel like they belong here; the kind that possibly have ties to another world; the kind that are scared to open their mouths for fear of everyone either deeming them straight-out liars or deeming them crazy. I mean, okay... o-o; I'm not hard-core. I don't claim to be a vampire or claim the entire human race is ignorant and insolent -- though sometimes I have my days where a good number of people are just plain-out stupid in my eyes. (And yeah, hypocritical me has some days where she feels like the entire human race is moronic. *sweatdrop*) But, nonetheless... what am I trying to say? Er... I guess I'm trying to say that I want to meet more people like me, like us -- kinda detached from reality, sort-of thing. I can't mention all the details here, mainly because... there's just to much to say. XD But I always like talking about it. Anything strange, otherwordly, insane, bizarre, "paranormal"... because somehow I can link it to people like "us," to other worlds "out there," to past lives.... Half the people who could ever read this would think I was either insane, lying, or demonic. XD I may be a little insane, but I'm not lying and I don't worship in a Satanic cult, I assure you. (Then again, I don't worship any gods, really -- I'm more agnostic than anything.) o.O... somehow most of these people I've met on the Internet, which is why I even bother saying things like this on the Internet -- in the off-chance that someone might read it and say, "Hey, I think maybe they're sort-of like me...!" Maybe want to talk, swap ideas and situations, discuss what we believe, et cetera... o_o very off-chance, but then again, I tend to get this psychological *click* whenever I meet someone who may be like us. Like I'm drawn to them or something. *shrug* So, it's an off-chance, but like I said, I like talking about stuff like this if anyone's interested... (if anyone even has a clue what I'm talking about! XD).
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618
PHI -- 1.618... :3!!
Now a new favourite number, amongst 13, 7, 9, 3, 1, 0, 17...
1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21...! The Fibonacci sequence. >:D
P.S. -- Anagrams are cool. Did you know Picasso's masterpiece "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" is a perfect anagram "vile meaningless doodles"? xD Not that I don't like Picasso; it just IS... funny. XD;;; I like Salvador Dali better when it comes to surrealism/abstractness, anyways...! :o