I had a request for a tutorial, in which I nearly died because omg, I felt special. But yes, this is the tutorial to get
. The original icon looked like
. There is a subtle difference in the color, but as close as I could get, curveless. I may do one with curves after, because I know I had a few curve layers in the original.
1) Start off with your base:
Crop it to 100 x 100, sharpen if you want to / feel your image needs it.
2) Duplicate your base and set it to screen
3) New raster layer - floodfill 033A65 - exculusion - set to 70 (you can always adjust this after)
4) Duplicate your last layer - screen - set to 70
5) Duplicate your base - bring to top - set to 50 (you can always adjust this after)
6) New raster layer - floodfill AEDAFC - burn - 100
7) Duplicate your last layer - burn - 100
8) Duplicate your base - bring to top - screen - set to 50
Now you can stop here, or to get it a little brighter,
9) Duplicate your last layer - screen - set to 50
That's it. :) Remember not to copy it exactly. Mess around with the opacities, add brushes and text and the like.
This tutorial works best with lighter images.
Other examples:
(The first is of Ryan from Panic at the Disco. The second one, the Neela/Ray one was a darker cap so there were more screen layers in there)
I love comments. If you hated it, say so. :)