Feb 13, 2004 13:20
Going home tonight. Dennis and I are going to this cute-looking German place called "East Side" for dinner tomorrow night. Much revelry at the Milestone proceeds with Noni and Ashleigh. But I think I'm doing that tonight, too. Yay booze.
On another note... Manhattanville loves rapists. Loves them so much, in fact, that they don't want to kick them out of school. It was confirmed by an RA - after speculation due to a flyer being passed around campus - that someone, a resident student, has been accused of rape and the school has merely let him by with housing probation. Great. I feel safe. But at least I know what to do if it happens to me. And believe me - threat or not threat to my own life... that bitch'd be going DOWN. I don't play those mind games. I KNOW it's wrong, and dammit you'll regret the day your dick ever saw pussy. Cops WILL be called. DNA analysis WILL be taken, and if need be, you WILL be charged and I WILL sue you for pain and suffering. You want to take a little bit of me away with you? I'll rape you for everything you're worth.
*sigh* In other news, I'm speaking to Susan today about the little girl, Angela. Apparently others have talked to her about the girl, too. we'll see how that goes.
Okay... off to forage...
*forage forage forage*