MerCentauress: POUNCE!!!!!!!
Auto response from taliasrose: A mouthful of cherry tomatoes helps the paper get written. Mary Poppins would approve, I"m sure.
taliasrose: hey monkey
MerCentauress: ISSY!!!!!!!!
MerCentauress: :-)
taliasrose: how goes the roo?
MerCentauress: um...i got a C in algebra
MerCentauress: 82%
taliasrose: how's an 82 a c?
MerCentauress: er...83%
taliasrose: even more so! how's an 83 a c?
MerCentauress: i don't know, it just is
taliasrose: that's stupid
MerCentauress: 85% is a B
taliasrose: everybody knows that 80 thru 89 is a b
taliasrose: they changed it, the poopyheads
MerCentauress: 1 of my classes, the teacher grades like that
MerCentauress: she is pretty cool
taliasrose: that's the way they used to grade
taliasrose: no me gusta
MerCentauress: i have straight A's in all my other classes!
taliasrose: i can help you with algebra if you want me too
taliasrose: i loved algebra
taliasrose: still do in fact
taliasrose: love it so much i might marry it
taliasrose: well, ...if it were single
MerCentauress: even with help, i still mess up!
MerCentauress: lol
taliasrose: dratted geometry always getting in the way
MerCentauress: silly issy!
MerCentauress: :-)
taliasrose: its true
taliasrose: i'm in love with algebra
taliasrose: *grin*
MerCentauress: hehehe if i were it would make it easier!
MerCentauress: :-)
taliasrose: ill teach you
taliasrose: it's fun
taliasrose: it's like a game of hide and seek
taliasrose: find what number the x is hiding!
taliasrose: wee!
MerCentauress: lol
taliasrose: in its simplest form...... x + 5 = 7.....x is 2 of course
taliasrose: you subtract the part you know from the result and then what's left is part of x
MerCentauress: yeah, but we are passed that
MerCentauress: we're doin stuff w/ fractions and stuff
taliasrose: that's fun too
MerCentauress: meh...!
taliasrose: 3/4x + 2 = 6
taliasrose: what's x?
taliasrose: you do the multplying first
taliasrose: wait
taliasrose: no, you subtract the 2 first
MerCentauress: ?
taliasrose: so 3/4x = 4
MerCentauress: i'm confused
taliasrose: ok, start over
taliasrose: the teacher gives you a problem that says "Solve for x" and the problem is "3/4x + 2 = 6
MerCentauress: time i see u i'll show u what we're doin'
taliasrose: What's the first step?
MerCentauress: we r supposed to just leave the x there
MerCentauress: that's what the teacher aid anyway
taliasrose:'s annoying, but that's the first step..they should let you guys go further
taliasrose: its all about reducing the equation to it's simplest form
taliasrose: and sometimes the simplest form is the answer and that's pretty awesome
taliasrose: at least in my mind
taliasrose: next time you see me we'll go over stuff
MerCentauress: what we r doing is like when u use a fraction thing to show division and then there's a bunch of stuff on top and lots of confusing stuff
taliasrose: right
MerCentauress: yeah
taliasrose: it does the whole confusing thing really really well
taliasrose: so here...lemme show you how i'd solve the problem i made up
taliasrose: cause it's neat
MerCentauress: there is a dude on im that i'm gonna kill in a sec!
MerCentauress: ok
taliasrose: 3/4x + 2 = 6
MerCentauress: show me your prob
taliasrose: just dont get blood on your shirt
MerCentauress: i'll try not
taliasrose: subtract the 2 from each side
MerCentauress: yeah
taliasrose: so it's 3/4x = 4
MerCentauress: cool
taliasrose: and then you can take the 3/4x part and pay attention to it
MerCentauress: k
taliasrose: the 4 on the other side of the equation becomes 4/1
taliasrose: so it's 3/4x = 4/1
MerCentauress: which = 4
MerCentauress: yep
MerCentauress: this is a little off subject, but do u still talk 2 kyle on im?
taliasrose: yup
taliasrose: im talking to him now
taliasrose: and andie
taliasrose: and santa claus!!!!!!
MerCentauress: andie is on
taliasrose: *ahem*
MerCentauress: SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!
taliasrose: he says hi
MerCentauress: yay!
taliasrose: (santa)
MerCentauress: woo hoo
taliasrose: ok so now, back to the algebra
MerCentauress: k
taliasrose: because the 3/4 is multiplying the x, you have to divide to figure out the hidden number
taliasrose: ooo hidden number
taliasrose: *lightning flashes in the background*
MerCentauress: oooooooooooooooooooo
taliasrose: because dividing is the opposite of multiplying
taliasrose: just like addition is the opposite of subtraction
MerCentauress: yeah
MerCentauress: ...
taliasrose: so you take the two fractions that you have
MerCentauress: k
taliasrose: the 3/4 and the 4/1
taliasrose: and you switch over one of them
taliasrose: for this example i'm going to flip the 4/1
taliasrose: wee! look so there it goes! and it's now 1/4
MerCentauress: then u multiply!
taliasrose: right!
taliasrose: and conquer the world!
MerCentauress: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MerCentauress: :-*
taliasrose: and you get 12/4
MerCentauress: :-D
taliasrose: and what is the simplified form of 12/4?
MerCentauress: 3
taliasrose: yes!
MerCentauress: yay!
taliasrose: so that means that 3/4(3) plus 2 equals 6!
MerCentauress: yep!
taliasrose: and its easy!
taliasrose: it's like the x likes to run around in little halloween costumes
taliasrose: and all of the costumes are numbers
MerCentauress: yeah!
taliasrose: i should teach algebra
taliasrose: i'd have so much fun with it
taliasrose: ok here's another example
MerCentauress: ahhhhh
MerCentauress: no
taliasrose: hehe.
taliasrose: ok
taliasrose: no more
MerCentauress: the torture!
MerCentauress: yay!
taliasrose: haha
taliasrose: i'll tell santa you said that
taliasrose: *grin*
MerCentauress: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MerCentauress: ok
MerCentauress: :-)
taliasrose: SaintNick01: Yes, tell her I had the same problems with algebra when I was in school.
MerCentauress: lol
MerCentauress: i luv u issy
MerCentauress: !
taliasrose: I luv you too! .....*ahem*.....sorry...I dont know why my font was a different color
taliasrose: not a clue
MerCentauress: it happens sometimes
taliasrose: yes yes indeed