Title: Pendragon Red (Master Post)
talesofyesacRating: PG-13
Word Count: 30,583
Characters/Pairings: Merlin, Arthur (gen)
Warnings/Spoilers: Character death (minor), violence
Summary: Camelot is overrun by a group of magic users after Uther refuses to negotiate with them. Oddly, the only things they seem to want from Camelot are Arthur... and Merlin. His father dead and his kingdom conquered, Arthur, oblivious to what they could possibly want with his servant, attempts to protect himself and Merlin while somehow finding a way to escape before they reach their unknown destination. Meanwhile, Merlin tries his best to stop Arthur from unraveling completely while also endeavoring to understand what part he and Arthur play in a prophecy involving towers, dragons, and blood sacrifice.
Author’s Notes: This story was written for the
journeystory mini big bang (a story of at least 10,000 words). It takes place before Fires of Idirsholas (2.12). Also, a million thanks to
stbacchus, who is the most wonderful beta in the world. All remaining mistakes are my own.
Link to the Fabulous Art Made for this Story:
http://chosenfire28.livejournal.com/237916.html Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Epilogue