well howdy there TOA kids!!
i beat tales of the abyss back on october 25th, 2006, and was super into it back then, but then i wasn't. but like 5 days ago i watched the anime and now i am super back into it so yeah. i like luke and asch the best because i do! i like genfic because luke is a secret baby. i love babies.
anyways i've also been drawing so uh come on down kids!!!!!
Title: this is a ton of arts yah party
Author(s)/Artist(s): me?????
Rating: PG? idek.
Characters: lots of lukes, tear, natalia, aschs, countries
Pairings: uhhh vague nataliasch? very vague
Genre: boring
Spoilers?: is 'important haircuts' a spoiler even.
Summary: i drew and paint pictures, that you all clicked on and viewed before my photobucket bandwith fills up.
this is totally a legitimate lj-cut.)
YEAH! please come chex it out. :D