title: Music to my Ears
rating: K+
disclaimer: I don't own Tales of the Abyss.
note: A collection of music-related drabbles.
characters: Arietta, Ion
prompt: none
summary: There's a limited number of times they can say goodbye. Here's to the last one.
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characters: Asch, Noir
prompt: sweet nothings, sugar daddy
summary: She's so sweet to him. Really. "Your eyes are beautiful."
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characters: Guy, Noelle
prompt: spinning cloth
summary: Her head's in the clouds and she never wants to come back down. She loves flying. Among other things.
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title: Sundial
rating: K+
disclaimer: I don't own Tales of the Abyss.
characters: Guy, Natalia
summary: AU. Memories last forever, but that doesn't mean he won't wait. She'll come someday, and he'll be there to greet her when she does.
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