Hello there fellow ABYSS fans. As the title says, I want to make a couple of requests. If this kind of entry is not allowed, feel free to delete it.
Firstly, do you guys remember the scene where Luke activated one of the Sephiroths? I don't remember which Sephiroth but the scene contains a little Luke/Tear moment where he hugged her saying "We did it!". So I want to ask if someone has the peculiar screenshot (possibly high quality). I totally love that scene. <3 Oh, and does this scene is included in the anime? I watched it last year but I've already forgotten. :/
Solved! Thanks,
Secondly, is there someone who is nice enough to show me some samples of the US Guidebook? I never knew it exists. *so totally back-dated >>;* It never hurts if you have leisure time to scan your whole guidebook too. Also, does anyone know where to buy this online? I saw it on
Amazon but the price is making me sad. I don't have a credit card cuz a kid isn't allowed to have one so I preferably want an online shop which offers Money Order.
Oh, and I can bribe anyone who is willing to help me with these~
Help is very much appreciated. *bows*
p/s: ... What tag should I use? I suck at tagging. D: